Monday, December 29, 2008

Never Brought to Mind

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas! I wish I could say I did, but I didn't. In fact, Christmas was pretty crappy. The big family Christmas at my parents house went well, but the Christmas at my Mom's parents house was a little rough. I ended up fighting with my mom. So much fun! I want to spend every Christmas in a fight!

Then I spent a few days very depressed about living at home and having no job. Then I began to think about New Years and what a loser I will feel like for another year in a row because I have no plans.

Plus, my cousin called and has the flu so I still can't go visit her and the baby. The child is going to be 5 by the time we actually meet.

Ok, you can all see it, I am a little negative. They say suicide rate goes up this time of year and now I know why. It is a terribly depressing time of the year. I am beginning to hate holidays.

Toi I am taking the title of Debbie Downer from you!!!!

In good news, I am watching the Doctor Who Christmas special!!!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Baby It's Cold Outside!

I really can't handle this cold weather, I need to move to Florida, or a Caribbean Island. My only issue with that is that then I will have to deal with hurrican weather and I don't think I would like anymore than I do winter. I wonder how Hawaii is? Maybe I should move there and be warm and happy. You all can visit whenever you want.

I'll have you all know I am finally over my hangover. Sorry about that. I have been really good lately when I drink, but I just over did it with all the sweet stuff!

Ok, I need to go, my mother has given my a to do list. The one thing she didn't put on it was "Find an apartment" which is the one thing I really want to do!

I am going to wish you a very Merry Christmas now, just in case I don't get the chance at the computer again!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Holiday Gatherings

I love Christmas gatherings with my friends. Really, I wish that I could spend my actual Christmas with my friends as opposed to my actual family.

and P.S. I am so excited to party with you all at my wedding!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Scent of the Season: Bacon

OH my dear friends today when I tried to be nice to my family you know what I got in return? The smell of bacon. That's right I smell like Bacon. I made a pancake and bacon breakfast and now I smell like it. I hate that. It's so annoying. I don't want to smell like food!!!!!

In other news, because of the snow I pushed back my visit to my cousins'. I am so annoyed. I hate winter.

I just found out that my grandparents aren't going to give me a christmas present this year. Well, that's not totally true, I guess our "Christmas Presents" were the dinner that they had for their 55th wedding anniversary, I of course couldn't make it because I was in DC so missed out on my present. I just find it kind of weird. Whatever, I gave up trying to understand my grandparents a loooonnng time ago.

Did I tell you I have decided to write a book based on my weird family? I think it will be call "A family business" or something like that. It's going to be fiction and I think very amusing. If I actually do write the story I will send you all a *signed" copy!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Weather Outside is Frightful

It is very chilly outside. The snow melted yesterday in the rain and today is very chilly and there is snow blowing everywhere. I miss DC weather.

My dear friends, I think I have offended Karma somehow. The job interview I was suppost to have this week was pushed back to the end of the month and I was told that to position doesn't even open until the summer. I am beginning to feel very frustrated.

Moi, I may just pick up and move to NYC right now.

In happier news, my aunt and I went shopping in Kalamazoo and had a lovely time. It's funny how your relationships change as you grow older.

Tomorrow I am going to EMU with my brother to help him pick out classes and have a brunch with my friend Meg. I am excited, it should be fun! But I am sure it will make me miss college. I am slowly becoming very jealous of my little brother.

Friday I am going to visit my cousin's little baby! I am so excited!!!!!! And in other baby news I met my friend Cassie's baby. He was so cute!

I love babies, especially when they aren't mine, I can appreciate them so much more knowing they aren't my responsibility!!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Back in the USSR

Ok, so maybe MI isn't the USSR, but it sure feels like it sometimes. I have really, really sucky cell phone service, no wifi and no mass transit.

My drive back to MI was very good, I love driving through PA and I got to hangout with Moi!!

So far this week I have unpacked one suitcase, cooked a couple of dinners and have basically been a bum, it's really nice, but next week I need a better plan. Tomorrow I am going shopping (yay) and then next week I have an interview! I also need to pick up my shoes from my aunt and go visit my cousin and her baby since they won't be coming to Christmas! (oh, and I need to continue working on my to do list!)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

To do:

Over that past few days I have been creating a mental list of things I want to do, and I will share them here in hopes that you all will hold me to them!

Learn Spanish
Improve my French
Run a Marathon (or a Half marathon)
Return to Europe
Play the piano again
Take a painting class
Take photography class
Get a "real" job
Watch all the movies on AFI's top 100 movies

I think that these are all reasonable things! I can do them right?

Anyhow, today is my last day in DC, tomorrow I head for Pitt and MI! Kind of exciting, but very sad. I love DC.

Yesterday I spent the day in DC, having lunch with a friend(I have no idea if it was a date or not, when the guy pays is it a date?) and at the Art museum and wandering the city. A tourist asked me for directions. I felt so cool when I knew the answer without having to look at the map! There is still so much I haven't done, it can't be time for me to leave yet!

Alright, now I will go pack, clean and *try* to not be depressed.

**I just remembered! I think I saw Glenn Close yesterday, or at least someone who looks so much like her it was scary.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ma vie de washington dc

Today was my final day at my internship. I really can't believe it's over. Three months has gone by so fast!

In celebration of the completion of my internship my department took me out to lunch at Busyboys&Poets which was very, very yummy. Then a coworker and I went shopping in the NPR shop and used our discounts to buy some pretty fun things. Then I had a meeting and finally my review and goodbyes. It was sad.

I really, really don't want to leave DC. I LOVE city life. I need to find a real job here. If I don't I will go crazy in cold MI.

Ok, not thinking about that. Tomorrow is a fun lunch "date" and checking out a few things at the Gallery of Art that I missed.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Let it snow!

Need a Snow Day?

Ok, I was inspired by Toi! I found her snowflake, now look and see if you can find both the one she created and mine!

Quelle Horreur !

Les Halles in DC has closed! I took my aunt and uncle there last night and it was closed!!! Totally dark, with a sign that told us to go to Bistro D'OC two blocks over. I was in shock...actually I still am! I loved Les Halles! So I went to their website and all it says it that the lease was up and that they hope to see me in New York.

C'est tres triste!!!!!!

Anyhow, Bistro D'Oc was nice. It was like something out of Perpignan. I loved it. I had Confit de Canard, and espresso and chocolate. If the staff had spoke french I would have been sure that I was in France. I miss France. Anybody up for a trip?

Days Away...

Tomorrow is my last day as an intern. It's kind of sad. And there was no scandal! What's the point of being a DC intern if you can't cause a little trouble? Ok I am only joking.

Anyhow, today was the premiere of our website, and show. The website is pretty cool! You can listen to all the stories and play with the other features. Just don't go to the Intern section, I hate my picture.

I think tonight I am going to try and watch Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. I love Christmas movies and music and shopping! This time of the year makes me so happy!

Monday, December 1, 2008


I just can't believe there is this kind of ad on the times website. It seems like a joke, but I think it's real!

Someone stole my mug from my desk at work. It's not a big deal, I only paid two bucks for it, but how am I suppost to make tea now?

I have further proof that kids love me. A toddler ran up to me and hugged my leg while I was in line for my afternoon pick me up.

p.s. Ok, who the heck is leaving comments on my blog that have nothing to do with what I am writing about? I don't know you NWOO so I am NOT going to visit your website. Sorry.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Silver Bells

Today I finish Christmas shopping for my mom, dad and brother. I feel so accomplished! It's so nice to have something done early!

Yesterday I celebrated Thanksgiving for a second time with my Aunt, Uncle and my uncle's family. It was really fun! I made new friends, my uncle niece and nephew. Hadley is 9 and Abraham is 7. They told me I was the nicest teenage type person they had ever met and that they wanted me to join them for next Thanksgiving. I am beginning to think I should have become a teacher, I get along so well with kids.

Seriously, kids love me!!!

My roomies have decorated the house for Christmas, it is so cute. I can't wait to have a house of my own so I can decorate it for the holidays!!!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Christmas Time is Here!

In honor of winter and christmas I have changed my blog colors to a cooler, more wintery theme. What do you think?

I found a christmas dress! It's a little short, but I love it! You can check it out here.

I am thinking I will go 60's with it, you know, tall boots, and some kind of fun hair style. I do think I want fun color tights, but what color?

Fa la la!

Happy *late* Thanksgiving!!

Wow, it's been a while! Things have been 1)crazy busy and 2)difficult on the technology front. As you all know, I was put under watch for "spam blog" I think everything is alright now, but the whole thing was rather strange.

Anyhow, a week ago I went to the re-opening of the National Museum of American History and it was too much fun! There were re-enactors everywhere! I heard a girl from a production of "The Wizard of Oz" sing somewhere over the rainbow and heard our good friend George Washington lecture about the freedoms of the U.S. He looks good for being dead for a coupld hundred years now, and he is extremely chatty.

After I had my fill of American History I wandered to the Library of Congress, which is extremely pretty and cool! It is very pretty, very European and according to the tour guide it was inspired by the Opera house in Paris.

(top two are the Paris opera house and the bottom two are the LOC)Ya, I see it.

Then on Saturday I went to the Maryland Terps game. It was very fun, but I was frozen before we even walked into the stadium. A few hours of stading around in the cold drinking seems to make you cold, but happy to attend a losing game. I really am coming around to football.

Most of my other news is pretty boring. I went to work, wrote a report, thought my car was leaking and dying a slow death, made a quiche(it was yummy) and celebrated Thanksgiving with my roomies and their nieces and nephews. It was very fun. It made me wish my family was more normal and less dysfunctional than it is, but I guess we can't always get what we

Sunday, November 23, 2008


So I recieved an email the other day from blogger saying they thought my blog was a spam blog. First off, what the hell is a spam blog and second, does this really look like a spam blog to you?

I am really, really frustrated and I don't think that this post will actually go through and I have fun stories.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Baby News

I finally have a picture of my cousins' baby!!!

She's pretty cute! I can't wait to see her in person!

To continue with the baby news I recently found out that one of the people I went to high school with, who is only 23 years old, is dating a 33 year old with an 11 year old kid. All I can say is Holy Shit.

Rainy Afternoons

I love rainy days. I love that they give me the excuse to do nothing when they happen on Saturdays! But, I haven't been totally lazy, I did two loads of laudry, cleaned my bathroom and sent out mail! All in all it has been a very productive day, and now I am at a cafe enjoying a coffee, job hunting and feeling relaxed for the first time in several days. It's the rain. It must have special gifts!

In amusing job hunt news, I applied to the new presidential administration and recieved an email that told me not to worry if I don't hear from them with in several weeks or even months. They are starting at high level positions and working their way down. I found it very amusing that I shouldn't give up hope for several months.

I hope you all are having wonderfully lazy days as well!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Ja, Ja, Ja, Jaded

Ok friends, I will admit I was a little cynical in my last post. It was a result of several things. 1) I had to be up really early and stand in the rain for a bus. 2)The metro was crazy crowded and seems busier everyday with more and more people taking it to avoid driving. The metro loses its charm once you have to take it every day and 3) I had a pile of work waiting for me that I really, really didn't want to do.

That said, I think the dog in the poster is really cute and I wish I could take him home. I want a puppy!

I will also admit that I am kind of annoyed with the prospect of people coming to DC because I feel almost like it's my town now and that us DC people should get first dibs. I know that is so wrong because DC belongs to all Americans but I really hate tourist. I know I have been one several times in my life, but I like to think I am the un-annoying tourist who does research before they visit and tries to blend in - it doesn't always work.

Only three weeks left of my internship. It's totally weird. Where has the time gone?

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Have you seen this? I think it is crazy! Why are people making such a big deal about the kind of dog the Obamas get? I also don't understand why all the hotels in DC are sold out for January 20th. If that many people are going to be in the city you won't be able to see a thing. You are better off staying home and watching it on TV. I swear, some people are just dumb.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

May I Have This Dance?

Yesterday and today have been entirely focused on my job search because I really, really don't want to have to move in with my parents at the end of the this internship. I love my parents, but there is just a point where one has to move out and start a life on their own.

So, I am applying to everything and anything in hopes that someone will give me a call back and offer me a job. At this point I don't even care if it is administrative, because I can take the job and keep looking for something better. But really I want to know why someone hasn't come up to me offering me a few million to travel the globe. Really, is that too much to ask?

In other news, things have been very exciting here! The election of Barack Obama has proven to be very, very big and exciting here in DC! It is all anyone can talk about! I wonder if I could score some tickets to the ball, that would be fun! I guess I should start hanging out at the transition headquaters, maybe someone will think I look friendly and invite me. Oh, or give me a job! That would be fun, like working in a real life West Wing!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy Hump Day!

I am happy today! We saw history, but not only did we see history people made the history! Millions of Americans went out and voted, and I am so proud that so many people participated! It is an amazing privilage to vote for a world leader and I think too many people in our country take it for granted, but yesterday you made me proud. I don't often say I am proud to be American, but today I am!

In other IMPORTANT news, not only does Starbucks have their holiday cups out, but the Holiday flavors!!!! I had a peppermint mocha! I took the first sip and thought "Mmmm Christmas!"

Oh and check out this site.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

They're Here!!!

They're here!

It finally happen!

And on election day too!

The Starbuck Christmas cups!!!!Yay!!!

Oh, and I hope you all vote!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Shady Brad

Hello my dear friends! I am so sick. I feel like I am dying. My head is just going to pop off and float away. I really, really want to crawl back into bed and just stay there forever. I look like a mess, and not a hot mess of any kind, just a mess. I hate colds, I hate being sick.

Ok, enough with the complaints.

I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween! I was so excited, but was too ill to actually do anything so I handed out candy and hung out with the girls I babysit (they came over after trick or treating). They were dressed as supergirl and a cheerleader. Supergirl had been sneaking candy all night and was jumping off the walls. It was fabulous.

And now I am dying, ugghh.

Along with Supergirl and Cheerleader came their mom and dad, my roommates and Shady Brad and his wife Jen. I met Shady Brad last weekend at the Maryland game. He is very weird. At the Maryland game he seemed ok, but then we went bar hopping and he kept disappearing with random girls. I will have you note that Brad wasn't wearing his wedding ring, claiming it was "too heavy" and that he was in the process of changing it. So off Brad would go, buying drinks for "people from work" who were all 18 year old girls. Maybe they are interns?

Anyhow, last night when he and his wife came over he was wearing his ring (apparently it's not too heavy now) and he made a weird comment to me about me working with his company. He give me the creeps. Plus, I think he might be gay. He has all the typical mannerisms. He is just so odd. So shady.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Where's Fall?

It is cold out. Like really cold. What happen to Fall? One day it is nearly 80 and now it is 40something and freezing and rainy and there is a threat of snow. I want my fall back!

I am swamped at work. I keep getting assignments, which is good because it now means they trust me, but I have no time to do them! I only work 36 hours a week!

Yesterday was my roomie's b-day. We went out and I had way too many margaritias. It was a very fun dinner that included two silly little girls who wanted me to color with them all night. I love kids! They are so funny! Why don't I have an older sibling who's kid I can hang out with?

Oh, and yesterday I recieved a text from W. I must have been texting him on Saturday. Oops! Good thing I am several states away and no longer an AQ student. That could be Very uncomfortable!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

College Football Rocks!

I am so tired right now. I am having such a hard time tying and keeping my eyes open, but it is only 2:45pm so I can't yet crawl back into bed. Very sad.

Anyhow, the reason for my sleepiness is good, so I guess I don't mind. Yesterday I went to the University of Maryland football game and had a wonderful time. We started tailgating (and drinking!) at noon. Soon the rain followed and we were climbing on top of coolers to stay dry, but it was wonderful. After a couple hours of rain and many beers we decided to skip the game and start the bar hopping. It was so fun! I flirted with many, many guys, and my roomies told me that they would pick me up no matter where I ended up. They are so nice, but I was good and stayed with the group. I don't really remember alot about the evening, but it was fun. If I called or texted any of you in my drunken state I am sorry. I only did it because I love you.

Ok, well I am done, I know I have left out many details but it just seems so hard to keep typing. Maybe I am more hung over than I thought!

Miss you all!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Many moods...

So I have been in the funkiest mood the past week. I keep having cravings for christmas shopping in Chicago, Meijer Runs,cheese plates, the french buses, seeing a bad high school musical in C-town and christmas shopping. I have no idea why! They are all kind of random!

Tonight is The Office! Yay!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Monday Night Football...a little late

I am currently watching the Denver vs. New England game. NE is ahead 13-0. It’s only the 2nd quarter, so we will see what happens. My roomies like football, so it is on a lot here, but as you know I don’t really care.

Anyhow, I have been quite the past few day and that is because my parents were here this last weekend and I was playing tour guide. I am actually quite good at it, maybe that will become my new career. That could be cool. I would meet a lot of people, but I think I would like to be in a different DC. It’s kind of boring here. Not as boring as J-town, but still kind of boring. I guess any city is boring when you are actually working and living there as opposed to visiting.

My parents had a cute hotel. At first I thought it was kind of old, but then I found it charming. It was built in 1910, so it’s a little old fashioned with a tiny bathroom, but something about it was just too cute! Plus the hotel was only a few blocks from just about everything, including the White House and a great restaurant called Les Halles it is an Anthony Bourdain restaurant. Les Halles is my new favorite place in the whole world. The food is so good and the waiters are so friendly! I am salivating just thinking about the food. Anybody up for really good French food?

When I wasn’t trying to sneak off to Les Halles for great food and the slim chance of running to Anthony Bourdain, I visited just about every site you can visit in DC. I have included some pictures. We had great weather here, and it is finally acting like fall, in fact, too much like fall. I never see the sun. I get up before the sun then ride the metro to sit in an office without a window for eight hours only to ride the metro and arrive back without seeing the sun all day! Ok, that’s not totally true, but I wish I could have just a little more sun time!

I feel like I am forgetting something, but I can’t be because nothing exciting has happened recently.

Happy Birthday Toi! I know this is posted a day late, but I wrote it on your birthday!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Ok, so I wrote a post yesterday, but I saved it somewhere funny so when I eventually find it I will post it. It maybe out of date by then but it was long so I will post it anyway!

In review, my parents were here this past weekend, we had a good time, I played tour guide, I ate here (and it was fabulous), then I went back to work and skipped the building fire drill by going to starbucks. Sometimes I love DC!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Flu Season

I know the flu season is upon us and there really isn't much we can do except wash our hands and try to be as sanitary as possible, and I understand you can't help that you are sick when you catch a cold, or the flu of death, but please don't ride the metro and cough in my ear. Stay home! Get rest! and get better!

Thanks for your concern over the car thing. Everything is ok, me, the car, I think the other drivers, but I don't really know, I kind of freaked out and kept driving... I wasn't *directly * so I didn't have to stay right?

Monday, October 13, 2008


Ok, I just *almost* died. Not joking. Maryland Drivers are insane!!!!

All I can say/type because I am shaking is that a delivery truck crossed the center line and hit the truck in front of me. If that truck wasn't there I would have been dead. I have a small car. I need a smoke, or a drink.

Sunday Night at the Movies

Ok, So I went to the movies last night because I had nothing better to do and I didn't have to go to work today so it seemed like a good idea. Not only was it a good idea it was a great idea. The Olney 9 was almost empty except for a few retirees who became my friends when it was just us in the theater. They made sure I didn't feel lonely and were so into the film that they were clapping when good things happened to the main characters. It was so cute! I love it when people around you become so connected to a movie that they clap, or cry or whatever, it makes it such a fun experience!

The movie was "The Express" it's about the first black Heisman Trophy winner. I know, not the typical thing I would go see because I am not a big football fan, but I had read several reviews that said it was good, and it really was! I really like the movie, but it was a little sad.

Here's the Trailer:

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Tell me it's not true..

OMG, so my saturday night has been reduced to a night of youtube searching and look at what I found!:

I have no words.

Saturday Night

All this week I promised myself that I would finally go out, by myself at night in DC, but now it is Saturday night and I have a headache and no idea where to go if I were to go out. Plus, I don't want to feel like some kind of loser walking to a bar by myself.

In addition to all of that I would have to drive to the metro and take it in, or drive into DC or take the bus to the metro, but that bus stop is like 1/2 mile away. No matter what I choose I can't really drink too much because I would have to get home some way.

I wonder what's on SNL tonight?

Changes, Turn and Face the Strange...

I have decided, with the help of Moi, to change my blog colors to honor fall. This could become really fun, changing for every season! I can't wait to see winter!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I'll tell you mine, if you tell me yours!

Ok, are you ready for my big dark secret?


I'm not so sure you can handle it!

Ok, here it goes!

I am totally crushing on a co-worker. It's embarassing and a little childish, but I can't help it! He is totally cute, nice, and he is from the UK so he has this totally adorable accent!

I am a sucker for Brits!

Luckily he is in the Austin office and only pops in occasionally. Plus, I think he might be married.

Enough with confessions, one day of work ahead of me and then babysitting on Friday!

Did I mention that I don't have to work on Monday? Ya, I guess there is this federal holiday for a dead guy named Columbus who did something like sail the globe and kill some Indians. Seems fitting. We should have days off for all kinds of murders. When is Hitler's Birthday, or how about Stalin's?

Sorry, odd post. I am tired and cold.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

La Maison Blanche

D'accord mes amies, aujourd'hui j'ai visitee la maison blanche. ( I don't even want to know how many mistakes are in that sentence, it will just depress me) It was totally cool in the stand 1,000 feet away, don't touch the fence kind of way. But at least I went to see it. I can imagine it as one of those things a true DC person never does.

Anyhow, it wasn't my goal to visit today, in fact, I went to that part of the city to get a Doner kebab. Yes you read that right, I found Doner Kebabs in DC. Ok, they aren't exactly the same as the ones we ate in France, but it was better than a Gyro and quite tasty if you didn't torture yourself with the French comparison.

This weekend was quite busy, I was a very touristy person! I went to the Spy museum as you know (it was totally cool, I want to be a spy) Hit up the National Catherdral (I couldn't find the cigarette burn from the "West Wing" but I like to think it is there somewhere) and then wandered the zoo for a little bit. Then today, as you know I hit up the Turkish Festival, the White House and Union Station. Union Station is amazing. So pretty, so big and there is great shopping!

Ok, well that is my tiny weekend update. Tomorrow starts the work week. I am trying to hold in my excitement!!!

Oh, and just so you know what West Wing Episode I am talking about:

Oh, ya, almost forgot to mention, I am a brunette again. I am amazed at how easy it is to change hair color!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

With every season turn, turn turn....

So I am considering changing my blog. I like the format, but I really feel like I need new colors, so help me out by voting in my poll!!!!!!!!!!

P.s. I am so sad I can't see all of you at AQ's homecoming!


Yesterday I did the Spy Museum here in DC and let me tell you , it was awesome!! I passed the spy tests we had to do. My cover: Travel agent Angelena Falcone, Italian, age 21 on a business trip to Hanoi to check out a resort. It was fun, yes a little childish, but fun!

Then I ate at the American Indian museum (the best museum food ever!)Visited Albert Einstein, wandered the zoo and had a wine and cheese dinner with my aunt, uncle and his parents. It was cool. I love cheese, and wine.

I am watching Dr. Horrible. OMG it is wonderful! Why did I wait so long to watch it?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Charlie bit me!

Sorry, I was thinking of this video today on the metro and I just had to find it and share it. Charlie is too cute, as is his silly brother who is dumb enough to put his finger in Charlie's mouth.

Not much is new here, I am exhausted, because for some reason I have become an insomniac again.

So far this week my bus has decided to run 40mins late, right on time, and 10mins late. It's so hard to plan when you have no idea what it's going to do. At least today when it was 10mins late it was free. I have no idea what, but it was a pleasant surprise.

Work is becoming a little more exciting, I have two major projects in the works along with the intern edition stuff that I had to go to a photo shoot for today. It was kind of weird, but fun.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

What a weekend!

I spent the weekend with Moi, Toi and Toi's roommate E and E's boyfriend. It was awesome. We painted and it looks AMAZING!!!!!!

I love Pittsburgh, it is adorable and tons of fun!

On Friday my cousin finally had her baby, a girl named Regan Kelsey, I am not totally sure on the spelling, but I can't see her doing weird things with the spellings, she's pretty normal. So Moi, when yo asked if she had had her baby she totally did, but for some reason my mom felt she needed to wait and tell me today.

Ok, I am very tired and really hot for some odd reason. Off I go to prepare myself for the work week!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Office is Back!

The Office is on tonight! The prefect beginning to any weekend, especially one that involves a road trip!

My work week in review: I sat infront of a computer looking at listenership numbers. Very thrilling.

Too excited about the office! I must go dance in the rain! (ok, not really going to dance in the rain, but out of things to say!)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Only Two Days!!

The Office Season Premiere is in TWO DAYS!!! I am so excited, but miss my office watching buddies!!!!!!!!!!

Love it! Can't wait!

On the metro today I saw the creepiest man ever. He had really long finger nails, his shirt unbuttoned to show chest hair, really ugly glasses, and porno pic slideshow on his computer. Ewwwww....

Monday, September 22, 2008


Ok, so every morning I see this sign in the subway that says "Parlez-vous francais?" and I always say "oui" in my head and walk away. Well, today I noted the web address and just visited it. OMG, it is fabulous! I think I will make it my new thing! Check it out here.

Happy Autumn!

Today is the first day of Autumn! Yay! This is my favorite time of the year! The leaves, the colors, the cooler weather, the sweaters! You just can't beat it!

Things have been a little busy here. I went to Eastern Market on Sunday to start my story for Intern Edition. It's a really cute market, I hope my story is approved.

After E.M. I went to Annapolis, MD to go crab picking. Now what do you think that is? It doesn't mean fishing of any kind. Crab picking is what the MD people call eating crab. So I learned the proper was to eat crab. It was really good. Crab, Beer, Fries...Yummmmmmmm. I love Maryland!

After I was stuffed with good food we went to downtown Annapolis for ice cream. It is such a cute harbor town! I need to go back!

In random news, I just discovered today that "New Amsterdam" was cancelled in May. I am kind of sad, but not suprised. It was good, but needed a lot of work on the characters and the story line so it was expected to fail. Especially since it was on FOX.They are terrible with TV shows. Just look at what they did to Arrested Development!

The screen is blurry so I must go.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I miss Paris

Oh my friends, I really, really, really miss Paris. I wish I were there! I tried watching Ratatouille to cheer me up but it only made it worst.

Off I go to *try* and cheer myself up by wandering DC.

Traffic Jam

The people of the Maryland/DC area have some issues with driving. Well, actually it's more like they have issues parking.I don't know why but for some reason people can't park straight here. It drives me insane. It's not that hard to do!

In other news I was almost killed today by an Embassador today. I was just walking across the street, following the signal, and this crazy fancy car comes flying around the corner and almost hit me. There was a flag in the windshield and all the windows were tinted so it had to have been someone important right? I guess if I have to be killed by a car I want it to be someone important, that way there will be a crazy big news story to cover my tragic passing.

Alright, my mind is fried and I can't look at the computer for a single moment longer.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Is there an emergency stop button?

Today I almost missed my metro stop. I was just reading like I always do, except this time I was so drawn into the book I didn't look up until the stop before my stop. I would have been so screwed if I rode forever!

The book is "You Suck" by Christopher Moore. It is the love story of the undead. Not really the typical thing I read, but it was on sale at Borders and I like Moore's other stuff so I decided to give it a whirl. It's cute.

Speaking of books, I just finish "The Good Earth" It was ok, but it wasn't happy. I guess I was hoping it would have some kind of positive vibe, but it was kind of depressing.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I want an Oscar!

Yesterday I went to the National Portrait Gallery and they were doing a special piece on Katherine Hepburn. It was fabulous, and it had all four of her Oscars. Do you know how pretty they are? Now I want one. How do I get one?

I also went out to the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts because they were having a special "Arts Across America" festival. I saw Oscar-nominated singer Lila Downs. (Hey, that's it! I will sing! Ok, I guess I have a better chance acting, or maybe directing! I will get an Oscar somehow!) So the day was pretty cool, except there was a guy in line ahead of me (way ahead, I couldn't see him) who had a heartattack and died. Well, I am pretty sure he did, the Kennedy Center people said it was really bad. Poor guy.

Today I think I will go shopping, or maybe I will head to the Mall, I still haven't seen the Lincoln Memorial.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Something Witty

I was going to write a fabulous post today, but now I am feeling less than inspired and have nothing note worthy. So, I will leave you with a couple of very random thoughts.

I saw Dark Knight yesterday, it was good, but kind of predictable. The most amazing thing about the movie was the theatre. The cinema was in a mall in Friendship Heights (NW DC). It was located at the top of the mall and was pretty awesome. Fancy lights, red plush fabric and really comfy seats.

I am considering looking for a part time job, just to earn a little extra cash, but I just can't bring myself to do it. Everytime I go in to ask for an application I chicken out not willing to watch my free time slip by.

I do have a possible baby sitting gig lined up so maybe I can forget the part time, low paying job somewhere that I would hate. Besides, if I got a job when would I have time for people to visit?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Journalistic life

For my internship we have this opportunity to write a piece on whatever we want and it will be put into the "Intern Edition" because technically the news organization I am interning with can't publish or produce things by interns, but occasionally after the internship is over the organization will buy a piece from an intern and put in on the radio, on the website, or create a podcast with it. I want to write a piece that will be bought and published!!! What should I write about? Who should I interview? I need ideas people!!!!!!!!

I never imagined I would have the opportunity to write something for a real news organization! I am pretty pumped! Now, I just need to be wonderful.

In more serious news, today marks the 7th anniversay of the September 11th attacks. I am in shock that it has been seven years!! It just doesn't seem possible! I remember watching it happen on TV when I was in my sophomore English class. We sat stunned at what we were watching unfold, the class was silent and dumbfounded. I remember going through the rest of the day with an empty feeling in the pit of my stomach, knowing that this meant war, something I couldn't bare the thought of and still can't. I just hope that one day in the near future we, as humans and citizens of ONE WORLD, learn to get a long and live with differences instead of fighting each other.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

You're Invited!!!!

Oh my friends, DC is very cool and I would love for all of you to come visit. Seriously, you must! I was even told by my "landlords" that friends are welcome!

How about coming for a concert? Coldplay and Duffy will be performing at the Verizon Center on October 31st!!! And if you don't want to do that, I guess we could just ride the metro, or go shopping at the hundreds of awesome stores!!!

Enough begging, I bought this book the other day because I was freaking out about losing the little french I have and it is the most awesome book ever! The french is so simple I think all the little children in France would laugh at me if they saw me reading it!

Speaking of books, I am currently reading on my commutes "Water for Elephants" and I am loving it. It's about an elderly man looking back on his life in the circus. It is better than is sounds. Check it out if you get the chance!

In other, less exciting news, I actually had work to do today. It was soooo exciting. I surfed the net looking for "authoritative information" about news networks. I know, you *wish* you were me!

I spent two hours commuting home today. I hate it when there is hair, or horses on train tracks!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Where's the Bus?

Today was the first day of my internship. It went well enough. All I did was read for eight hours. Yep, so should be interesting.

In more entertaining news my bus was twenty minutes late today and I felt like a fool standing on the corner by myself while people drove by, but I still made it to work on time so that was a good thing.

Ok, I am tired, I will write more soon.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Je ne sais pas...

Sorry this post is going to be completely random.

Can you believe we are approaching the 7th anniversary of 9/11? I can't. It's too weird, especially now that I live in a city that felt the direct effects of the attack.

Another on of my high school classmates is engaged. That takes the percentage of engaged/married/babied/divorced up to 25%. I still believe there are others I don't know about. I feel like singing "Another One Bites the Dust" everytime I hear wedding/baby news. Gosh I sound bitter, I'm not, I'm just amazed because I think we are still too young!

I saw "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Part 2" yesterday. All alone. It was good, but I felt weird seeing a movie all alone. It made me think of that episode of "Sex and the City" when Carry has lunch alone. Before the movie they showed the Harry Potter trailer. How exciting! I can't wait!

It seems I had other random things I wanted to say, but I can't remember it now.

Miss you all!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Stormy Weather

Right now I am sitting in a cafe drinking coffee and surfing the net. Life is good. I love a good cup of coffee and a fast internet connect! The thing that makes this even more entertaining is the fact that I am in the middle of a Hurricane. Ok, it's more like a tropical storm or depression at this point, maybe not even that, but there has been a lot of wind and even more rain (7ins).I think I am so entertained by this little weather disturbance because in MI we never have anything from Hurricanes like this! It's kind of cool. And with that I will admit I am a major dork.

I am finding myself falling for DC. I know my first impression of this city was kind of negative, but after visiting the Zoo, the National Archives, and several other Smithsonian Museums I am finding a certain amout of love for this city. Plus, it has a great Metro system. I am a sucker for good public transit. Once again, I will admit to my dorkiness.

Monday I start my internship. Wish me luck. I am a little nervous. Especially since I just recieved my offical offer this morning via email. It was sent sometime yesterday and reminded me I need to prove my citizenship so I can "work" for them even though this isn't a real job. One problem. I didn't bring the documents with me. Ya, so now that is one more thing to figure out.

Ahhhh, this "adult" stuff is fun. And at this point a *wink* goes to Moi. I know nothing of real responsibility!

I feel like this post is really random. I will update more later, with a little more thought.

Oh, and in high school friend baby news I discovered another class mate who had a baby about 8 months ago and Cassie finally had her baby, a boy. I've seen some pictures he is adorable.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I am finally in Maryland. It took me two days, but that was only becuase I stopped to hang out with Moi. I now adore Pittsburgh, and I wish I could go to the Cathedral of Learning all the time. It is amazing. I am totally jealous.

I start my internship on Monday. I am nervous. So to easy my tension, I think I will check out the Zoo tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Petite Anglaise

The other day while reading one of my favorite blogs, La Coquette, I was introduced to a new blog, Petite Anglaise and a book based on that blog. Petite Anglaise is a blog by an Englishwoman, Catherine Sanderson, who lives in Paris with her half-French toddler named Tadpole, and Mr. Frog her French boyfriend.
The book, named after her blog, Petite Anglaise, follows Catherine’s life in Paris from her first apartment in the city of lights to her life as a blogger as well as through the ups and downs of relationships.
This tale of romance and life in a digital world was interesting, amusing, and left me wishing I could be in Paris. If you find yourself searching for something to connect you to the city of lights check out this book, or her blog!

Today I am on the road to Pittsburgh to hang out with Moi. Then, tomorrow I will finish my journey to DC! As always I am nervous, but excited!

Friday, August 29, 2008

I believe in change...

I usually don't like to talk about politics, because I find people become very excited and upset when discussing such things. However, I feel I must tell you that I have decided that I am supporting Senator Obama. I have been following the election process since this time last year and I feel that Barack Obama is the best choice for the 2008 Presidental Election. I hope you are following the elections as well and making your own informed decision.

I hope to see change and Barack Obama is the one to do it.

If you didn't get the chance last night you can watch his nomination acceptance speech here.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


I just read on Aq's website that Dr. Ozarow has died. He wasn't that old! I am just in shock, it's weird to think a teacher I had has died.

Ma chambre est propre!

Really, it is very clean! I even have pictures to prove it!

Now that my room is clean I have realized how much I like it! Too bad I am now moving out of my parents’ house! But isn’t that how it always goes?

Last night I introduced my brother to Doctor Who and he seemed to like it! He watched the whole episode and when I asked him what he thought he said “It’s ok.” For him that is like saying “I look forward to seeing more!” in normal people language. I desperately need the dvds. That is all I am putting on my Christmas list this year!

In less cheery news, I thought my dog Maggie was dead yesterday. It was really scary, and when a dog is 77yrs old (11yrs in people years) it is a very real possibility. I came home and she was laying there in the grass not moving so I jumped to conclusions. I began yelling her name and she didn’t move a bit, so then I really freaked out, sure that she was dead. My mom, hearing my screaming told me to stop yelling and walked up to Maggie and gently shook her and sure enough Maggie woke up from a very deep nap. It was really freaked out. I don’t want my dog to die! I know that will happen eventually, but can’t eventually be a hundred years from now?

Ok, now that I have put that damper on this post let me leave you with happy news. I have new tires for my car! Alright, not very exciting, but I needed them and my parents bought them so, yay!

स्माल बुक रेविएव

I just finished a novel called “My French Whore” by the actor Gene Wilder. At first, I felt like the book read a bit like a screen play, but then I was so wrapped up in the story that I didn’t care. The novel focuses on a man named Paul Peachy who enlists at the end of WWI. Soon, Peachy, a former railway worker from Milwaukee, finds himself pretending to be a German spy and involved with a French whore named Annie. I won’t spoil the ending for you, but I insist that you check this book out. It is a little corny, but when you’re really busy and in the mood for an entertaining book this is a perfect choice! It’s a fast read, or you can even find it on CD. Unfortunately Gene Wilder doesn’t narrate the story himself but it is still worth a listen! Or read! Which ever works for you!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Rockin' Robin

I am sitting at the adorable Colonial Coffee House and Rockin' Robin just came on the radio so here is a cute/odd Disney music video:

Ya, it's just kind of weird, but I think it is appropriate for the kind of mood I am in.

It was brought to my attention yesterday that I need to write a weekly update, because I kind of lack details in my postings so here is what is up with me:

I am moving to DC next week. I am going to live with my uncle's cousin. They are very nice. I will have my own room and bathroom suite. I have a 15 mile commute to work, but I will only drive about seven miles and take the Metro into the city. I am not crazy enough to think I will take the Freeway.

During my visit to DC last week I had lunch with my future boss/supervisor and others from the department. They were totally nice, very chic, and young, so I think it is going to be a fun 12 weeks.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Clean up!

I move to DC in about a week, I think. So I am desperatly trying to clean my room and go through all of my clothes before I move. It is so hard. Have you seen my room? It looks like a bomb went off in there and I am not joking.

Ya, it's bad. In my defense I have been busy, and my parents forced me to put all of my stuff in my room as soon as I moved home from college. How can they do that! I think I first need a walk in closet before I can begin to think all that junk will fit!

Ok, off I go to clean. I will post an after picture soon.

Monday, August 25, 2008

W a-s-h i-n-g t-o-n, baby, D.C.!

So I am back in Michigan for about a week before I head back to DC! I have many stories, but lack the patience to write/type them all here. Let me just say that DC was fun, and interesting, but it still doesn't compare to Paris or London for me! I am desperatly going to *try* and love it as much as I love those two cities!

I love that I will be living in a city that has the metro and more museums than I will ever be able to visit, but it just doesn't have that vibe that cities in Europe do, I am betting that is because it isn't an European city!

Anyhow, here is an awesome video I found on youtube about dc. These people really love DC!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Where's the Pizza?

At this very moment I am sitting in my DC hotel room waiting for the pizza guy to bring me pizza and I am so hungry I am about to eat my travel guide....OH the phone just rang! PIZZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I survived the beltway!

Do you want the good news or the bad news?

Good News: I drove many, many hours today and survived the Capital beltway during the end of rush hour.

Bad News: All of the apartment hunting stuff is falling apart, I still haven't recieved the paper work from my internship and I am having a panic attack.

All in all, I guess today was ok, except for the tightness in my chest I feel everytime I try to breathe.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I'm Blind!!!

Today I had an eye appointment and now I am blind. Well, not really, but you know those silly little dialation drops? Ya, I am a little goofed up. I can focus on everything far away but everything close is a blur. Plus, I am wearing sunglasses everywhere, even inside so I look super cool!

In other news, I am going down to DC tomorrow to start looking at places. The only problem is that every apartmen I am interested wants me to check them out on Thursday night all at the same time. So now I am trying to schedule everything with in only a few hours knowing that I won't be able to make the commute from place to place that fast.

Ahh the joys of apartment hunting from 600 miles away........

Monday, August 18, 2008

L'un soliel l'autre lune.....

Dear Friends;

I am freaking out about this silly apartment stuff in DC. Does anyone want to go live with me? It will be fun!! And it will keep me from totally freaking out like I am doing at this very moment! For some reason the only thing keeping me sane is that Vanessa Paradis song "L'incendie". I have it on repeat. I would put the video in the post, but I still haven't been able to figure that out on Blogger. Damn you blogger! I am sure it is very easy, but I find it difficult and at this moment it makes me very frustrated. So here check it out for yourself.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Wait, You have a Birthday?

Today my mom and I went shopping for "real adult" clothes for me to take to DC so I didn't look like some midwestern hick. I like everything I bought, but I am slightly afraid that things won't seem as cute when I actually move to DC. I know, I am paranoid....sorry.

Anyhow, I am here at my aunt's house using totally awesome free wifi and I just realized that today is my cousin's birthday and I didn't do anything for him so I sent my mom out to get m&m's. I plan on leaving a very happy birthday message on the table, hopefully the dog won't eat them!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Oh, P.S.

So, right after my last post here is what I found on Mlive about the J-Town Cops. It is a must read!! And in honor of the segway, a video of GOB who made them popular in the first place.

Family Frustrations

This past weekend was my third oldest cousin’s wedding. It was nice…I guess. She and her husband are a real life Barbie and Ken, with personalities to match so it was kind of a boring wedding. She looked pretty in her strapless dress; he looked nice in his run of the mill suit: the perfect couple. The bridesmaids wore champagne colored dresses the groomsmen wore suits with matching vests. It was just so original. Oh, and I was the program/bubble girl and had a lovely corsage. I felt soooo special, especially when I got to the reception and found that I was seated at the kiddie table. Yes, I was at the kiddie table with all of my younger cousins. I was the oldest at the table! They carded me to give me champagne and then tore down our table before the cake was cut so they could have a dance floor. It was lovely, especially since the bride threatened to stab me with her heels. I just ADORE my family.

In more exciting news, the J-Town cops have segways!!!!! You know, like the one G.O.B. had on Arrested Development! It was so awesome! It made me think of AD, and how much I missed it!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

What will I wear?

Today, dear friends, I realized that I am not smart enough, or fashionable enough to move to Washington DC. Seriously, as I am looking for an aptartment I am finding posting such as "..well educated looking for someone with the same background" and "Harvard grad looking for roomie" I DIDN'T GRADUATED FROM AN IVEY LEAGUE SCHOOL!! I AM GOING TO LOOK LIKE A FOOL!!!! The current intern who I am replacing goes to MIT!!! MIT!!!! Plus, I don't have anything cute to wear, nothing stylish, or currently "hot". What was a thinking saying yes? Oh well, enough freaking out, I bought a Washington DC book today, it is really fun, with a fold out map!!!

In other news, today was a really, really weird day at work. First, this crazy guy on a bike who has asked me out several times, and I turn down each time, drove behind me on the side walk and made kissing noises. Then, a little bit later in the day when I was taking my break a guy pulled up next to my truck and stared at me until I drove away. The final and creepest part of my day was went this guy went to take a picture of me from across the street, so I moved behind a big light/utility post so he couldn't see me, so then he walked down the street so he could get a clear view!! What is it with these creeps in J-town. The soon I move to DC the better!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I'm Movin' Out!

About a month ago I printed off an application form for internships with NPR and set it on my desk, telling myself I would get it done in a day or two. Well, a couple of weeks passed and I found the application the day before it was due and filled it out. Then, I had to decide which internship I wanted to apply for. Reading the descriptions I realized that I had to go with an internship without a writing sample because I didn’t have one ready and I had to have it post marked the next day. I sent the application off and was sure I wasn’t going to hear a thing because NPR clearly says on their site that they don’t call those that they aren’t interested in. So a week passed and I get this crazy little phone call from NPR requesting a phone interview which we set up for a week later. A week passed and NPR called me, interviewed me and I was absolutely that I wouldn’t hear anything back because I felt like an idiot, but then that Friday they called me back and I accepted the internship. I am now looking for a place in Washington D.C.!!! It’s only three months and it’s unpaid so I am hoping to sublet a place. It is just so crazy! One day I am looking desperately for any kind of job that doesn’t involve watering anymore stupid flowers and now I am looking for an apartment in D.C.!

In other news, this past weekend was spent in L-town being silly with Toi, Karen and Sleepygirl. The highlight of our weekend, in my opinion, was when Sleepygirl decided to ride a mechanical bull. It was fabulous. Good job Sleepygirl!!!! We need to do another weekend filled with shenanigans (and drinks) and those of you who couldn’t make it!!

p.s. Small update on my zip drive: I can have it fixed for $400, so I guess I will just forget about all the silly things on it, except I really wanted a copy of my research report....

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Quiche is Good

I am at the adorable Colonial Coffeehouse enjoying a piece of quiche and an iced mocha. It is so good, and it's almost like being in France again, except the people are really friendly and I understand everything they say. Today was the craziest day at work, I was yelled at twice by random people (not nice things, they swore at me!) and a co - worker (the crazy one who was in the circus) called me fat. It was a very depressing work day, but now I have coffee so things are looking a little better.

In relation to my last post, I have discovered that Eric actually has two kids. Stetson was not in my class but his son was born and they named him Landon. Yep, Landon. I wouldn't name my child Landon, but whatever, I guess that is the type of name you get when your mom is 18.

I mentioned that my one friend was "pearled" and it is like a pre-engagement with a pearl promise ring. When I heard about it I was reminded of the Sex and the City episode where Sam was given a "pearl necklace" by a guy she is sleeping with.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Babies and Weddings Part Deux

As I was thinking about my cousin’s wedding and my other cousin’s baby I began to think about the people I graduated high school with. I graduated with 56 people, 80% of those people I had known since kindergarten. Small town, and as you can imagine everybody knew everybody else and everything about them. Now that I am stuck at home for the summer I see some of them occasionally and it seems like most of them are engaged, married with children or divorced or have a kid or two. It is crazy! I have created a list:
Zarina - married and divorced
Kristy - married, divorced and pregnant
Andrew - married
Jaime – married, two kids, another on the way
Veronica – married to Brandon, kid on the way
Brandon – married to Veronica, kid on the way
Eric – married, one kid
Cassie – married, kid on the way
Ashley – married
Danielle – married
Sara – engaged
Lauren – “pearled” I guess it is like a pre-engagement

That is 21% of the people I have graduated with!!! I am sure there are others that I just don’t know about! Isn’t that just crazy!
In other news, the Michigan Theatre in J-town is having a girls movie night next Wednesday showing “27 Dresses”. If anyone would like to come down it will be fun!! Toi it is only a half hour drive from L-Town to J-Town!!!

To answer the comments on the older post: I met the soothsayer downtown while I was watering the flowers and I think I have decided on dress one and shoes one, but there is still a lot of time to change my mind....

Thursday, July 24, 2008

"Beware the year Twenty-oh-nine!"

Today was an interesting day at work my friends. First there was the soothsayer that told me I needed to "Beware the year twenty-oh-nine! It is going to be weird and we haven't seen nothin' yet!" He seemed nice and didn't look like a soothsayer to me, but then he made that little prediction so.......ya.

Then, there was the very old, very shirtless, very, very creepy old man who hit on me. I was totally creeped out. My skin is still crawling.

Here is a picture of the pigeon that has been hanging around my house, and sorry I still haven't looked up the number!:

Babies and Weddings

I can’t believe that July is almost over. Where did the time go? It seems like only yesterday I was freaking out about a silly communication study! This weekend is my eldest cousin’s baby shower. This will be the first great-grandbaby for our family. It’s kind of weird. Not that my cousin is having a baby, but weird that she is old enough to be having a baby. Heck, it’s weird that my other cousin is getting married in only a couple more weeks! Anyhow, here is what I picked out for the baby:

It’s a little sea horse that plays lullabies and glows. The package says it will help the baby fall asleep. I thought it was really cute and it reminds me of my glow bug that I had when I was little. I am so tempted to keep if for myself! It’s so soft and adorable!

Speaking of family affairs, I have purchased two dresses and two pairs of shoes for my cousins wedding. Here’s dress one that I bought around Christmas time:

Here’s dress two that I bought just a few weeks ago:

Here’s the first pair of shoes I bought:

Here’s the second:

I have no idea what to wear! I was planning on wearing dress two and shoes two until today when I pulled dress number one out of the closet. Any advice? The wedding is a summer wedding (Aug 9th) in a church with the reception indoors and a kind of fancy dining hall. I kind of like dress two the most because it seems a little retro to me (1950ish) and it has a built in bra which is a plus. But dress one is cute! I don’t know what to do!

Anyhow, I promised an update one day last week about other stuff which now doesn’t seem very important. I did have a job interview last Thursday and it went really well, but I haven’t heard back from them yet, so I am not sure what to think about it. They did mention that they had 3 other people to interview so I am sure they will contact me once they have interviewed everyone. I am still not entirely sure this is the job I want, but the town is really cute, and it is only 1.5 hours away from Chicago AND it is on Lake Michigan. If I am offered the job I will take it, lease a cute apartment and make myself try it for one year. Wow, this grown up talk is scaring me!

p.s I just broke my zip drive, does anybody know if they can be repaired?

Monday, July 21, 2008

Wow, that was a big cup of coffee!

Do you ever have one of those moments when everything becomes clear? Like, really clear and you know what you are suppost to be doing? Ya, I had one of those today, but then I began to doubt it.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


So Friends quite a bit has been happening lately and I even took pictures to go along with my stories but do you think I remembered to upload them to my computer so I could put them on my blog? Nope, so I will update later.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Dalmation Plantation

I watched the original 101 Dalmations the other day and was so suprised when I discovered that it took place in London. I totally forgot!!! Now I want to go to London!

In dog related news I saw two adorable dogs today at work. One was a golden retriever and the other was some kind of small fluffy dog. The golden retriever was walking the small fluffy dog. He had the leash in his mouth and everything! When they got to the corner the g.r. stopped the s.m.f. and made him wait for their owner! Too cute!!

I finally watched the doctor who season finale. It was.....interesting. I will admit I wasn't watching it with my full attention, but I still have to say boo to the two doctor thing, the dr. donna thing and making Donna dumb at the end. That being said, I will give props for the very hot dr. who in the rain and for bring back K9!!!!!

Oh, one last thing, Bruni (the first lady of France) has just released an album and it is awsome, some of her lyrics include the kind of crack she like. I love it! Oh France you are so special!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Creepy Bums

J-Town has an oddly large population of bums. Bums that stink, laugh, talk to themselves, ask weird questions and manage to scare the crap out of me.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I am having *major* issues downloading the newest Doctor Who. I may never see the episode!

I am very frustrated and can't read anybody's blog until it down loads, I don't want to spoil anything!

But in good news: I have a job interview next thursday, but I don't really think I want the job, but I guess I can't be too picky right now.

Funny conversation I heard today:

Person one: I think having babies is a bad idea, I mean a big baby had to come out of a small whole. I'd like it better if the baby would just appear.

Person two: That's called adoption.

Person One: Well what's I am going to do.

Person two: Aren't you already pregnant?

Person One: Ya, but now I've changed my mind.

Person two: ok, whatever.

It was funny, I had to share!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Just Another Manic Monday

I watered in the rain today. It was fun.

I also noticed that one of the guys I work with had really great arms. I mean really, REALLY great arms. Too bad he has a girlfriend.

I am reading a new book "The Great Awakening" by Jim Wallis. I let you know what I think when I am done.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


So dear friends another 4th of July has come and past and once again I feel let down by the holiday as I always do. I have never been a big fan of the holiday, mainly because nothing exciting happens, sure there is the grilling and the fireworks, but it just doesn't seem enough. I don't even like the parades, in fact I detest them.

Every year Hanover's library has a book sale on the 4th where I stock up on books to read for the rest of the summer. I love the book sale, but to get to the book sale is always a challenge. Every year I end up trapped at the Hanover-Horton Parade pretending to have fun as we run in to every single person I have ever met. I would have more fun at a protest. When I metioned this to my mother she mentioned that it wasn't very patriotic, which made me think about where I could rather be and I have decided I am going to be an ex-patriot, drinking wine in a cafe somewhere in Paris one day soon.

In other news, I just finished "Me Talk Pretty One Day" by David Sedaris and it is a great read. If you have time pick it up!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Live from Jackson it's Wednesday Night!!!

To diverge from my usual work week habits I am sitting in a little cafe drinking chai and listening to a guitar guy play a cover of "Like a Rolling Stone". Ya, it's pretty fun. But the exciting part what the drive to the cafe. I had to drive through a storm with lots of wind, rain, hail and trees. When I arrived at the cafe I had to find a parking spot in the back and I had two choices: the side of the building under storm tortured trees or behind the building like half a mile away. So at fist I picked the side of building, but then I was afraid that a tree would fall and as I moved from the spot A TREE DID FALL ON MY CAR!!!!! Ok, only a very small branch and it did no damage, but a tree decided to hit my poor little car!!!!!!

Ok, I'm out~~~~~~~~~

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

June 30, 2008

Sorry, I realized that I forgot to put a picture in of the evil dog so here we go:

She is crazy and she annoys me.

Speaking of dogs, I am disturbed by the new show about America’s best dog. I don’t disagree that dogs are part of the family, but they aren’t people and they can carry fleas. Ewwww!!!!!

Anyhow, I am a graduate of College and have a Bachelor of Arts!!!!! The Diploma came in the mail today!! I was so excited to see it! It is very weird to know that I am college grad! I think it will really hit me when I don’t move back to college in the fall or when I get a real job.

P.S. my dad is going crazy on some kind of super mower right now. He is zooming around the yard mowing really fast; I think maybe he is trying to break a mowing record.

P.P.S. I mentioned in my last entry that I was very drunk on Saturday night; I think I remember speaking to someone in French. Why is it that when I am drunk French comes out of my mouth? Isn’t that weird?

Gosh I feel like a major dork.

P.P.P.S. I just watched Doctor Who – OMG!!!!!!! I knew it was coming, but I still can’t believe it!

Monday, June 30, 2008

I am Never doing That again!

This weekend was my cousin's bridal shower and bachlorette party. I wasn't looking forward to going becuase I was afraid she would have a stripper. It was worst than that. It was a million jello shots, tons of beer and other types of liquor. "Beer before liquor, never been sicker" is not a fake warning. It is true. VERY TRUE!!! After hitting a few bars in Ann Arbor and flirting with some hot guy that I gave my phone number to, we headed back to a friends house where I preceeded to vomit for hours, or at least what felt like hours. It was awful. I swear I am never, ever doing that again. I was so hung over the next day, and my parents found it so amusing.....

Viva La France

June 24, 2008

You know those days when you are sure the universe are out to get you? Well I am having one today! It first started with the neighbor’s dog barking and waking me at 4am and then again at 5am and I had to be up at 6am, so needless to say I was very cranky when I got up. Here is a picture of the ever so annoying pup:

The universe continued to torture me with a very long day at work followed by two shows back to back about France. The first show focused on Paris, spending time in my favorite locations and the second was about Carcassonne, Coullouire and the Pyrenees. Now I desperately wish I could be at a French café drinking coffee and enjoying a croissant. It is taking all of my will power not to buy a one-way ticket for France right now.

In other European news, I watched the 11th episode of Doctor Who last night and I really liked it but Billie Piper seemed really weird to me. She wasn’t like Rose at all and she seemed to be talking really weird. I don’t know, maybe it was just me. Anyhow, I am looking forward to the end of the season!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Men's Underwear

Another Monday, another day I am ready to go insane with boredom. Actually, when I think about it, today was very interesting. I went to work and was allowed to stay for the whole day (yay! – well at least I didn’t drive in and waste gas!) While at work I discovered a pair of men’s underwear in the road. I have no idea why they were there. I just drove over them and figured that they must belong to the same guy who left a condom under one of my flower baskets. I LOVE working at the city! (If you could only hear the sarcasm in my voice!) Along with the craziness of the underwear and condom I was approached by a guy who thought I worked for TruGreen Lawn Services. He began asking me tons of questions until I told him I worked for the City. It was very weird. Especially since I drive a vehicle that says “Parks and Recreation: City of J-Town”. Plus I DON’T wear any kind of uniform. And why would TruGreen Lawn water hanging baskets of flowers? Some people are just crazy! On my route I drive by a carpet place. In fact one of my baskets is right outside of their door. Sometimes I see the owners coming and going, but they aren’t very friendly. Usually the owners have a little dog with them and sometimes the dog will stand in the store window and bark at me. I always want to like the dog, but it doesn’t seem to like me and neither do the owners so I have given up on being friends with them. Today, I noticed that there was a picture of the dog in the window, nicely framed with a couple of toys propped up against the frame. At first I was like “wow, they really like that dog to put a picture of it in the window” and then I realized that the dog must have died! I haven’t seen it in weeks! But there is a picture! At first I felt really bad about the dog dying, but then I remembered it didn’t like me and neither did the owners, but then I felt bad about NOT feeling bad. One last thing about work: people downtown are NOT very friendly, in fact most the time they are really rude! I try to be friendly and smile at everyone but the creepers because I am a city employee but many people DO NOT smile back and it makes me feel bad because I am trying to be nice, I don’t have to be! Moving on from work stories, I have wedding stories. My cousins wedding invitation came in the mail the other day and here is the picture:

They are kind of cute, but it doesn’t really seem like a wedding invite, but that isn’t what bothers me about the invites. (oh, the background is the new furniture my parents bought!) Take a closer look:

That’s right, I didn’t get a 1 +. Why didn’t I get a 1 +? She asks me to be freakin’ program and bubble girl and I don’t get to bring a guest! Why is that? Does she think I can’t get a date? I can get a date! I am no longer excited about this wedding, in fact I am annoyed and really don’t want to go. Actually, I don’t think I can afford to participate anymore. I had to buy two bridal shower gifts (for this weekend and for July 13), a bachelorette party gift, underwear, and I still need to buy a wedding gift. This sucks. When I get married I am going to make her be program/bubble girl and I will make sure she is like 8 months pregnant. And I will invite her to every single party I have.

Ok, sorry, I am becoming bitter.

I hope everyone else is having a great summer! It was nice to see my Saginaw buddies this weekend! We had a great time at Greek Fest, but didn’t get to break any plates!

June 20, 2008

Hello, Hello, Hello!!!!!
Guys, Gals and everyone in between, this post is long over due and it is a little long! I did NOT make it to Canada over the last weekend. That means I didn’t go to the crazy little national park just on the other side of Lake Superior, or get a stamp in my passport, or get to add an “ay” to everything. I was sad, but I did get to sleep in, cook food over an open fire and waste the days away which was nice.

One day we did go to Traverse City and spent some time at the mall, well, I guess it was more like we walked into the mall, walked in a store just to walk out to the in mall theatre. My parents then asked me what I wanted to see. I was given two choices: “Sex in the City” or “Kung Fu Panda”. Needless to say I picked “Kung Fu Panda”. I couldn’t handle seeing “SitC” with my parents, it would have been weird, but “KFP” was very cute and a VERY good idea. If you are looking for a cute, funny movie check it out. One word of warning: go to a late showing or you will be in a theatre full of kids. Don’t get me wrong, kids are fun, they laugh at everything, but they also chatter and make noise with candy wrappers.

My small vacation ended too soon and I had to work Thursday and Friday. I watered flowers as I always do, and was so happy when 3:30pm arrived on Friday because it meant two whole days of freedom from watering!! But I am beginning to worry because Thursday after work I came home and started to weed my garden and decided I need to replant something of the veggies. Right now I have Basil, Parsley and a random herb (I can’t remember the name of) along with spinach, radishes, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber and summer squash. I am worried because I ENJOY the garden and weeding it!!! What is wrong with me?

Friday after work I went shopping for a bridal shower and bachelorette party gifts for my cousin who is getting married on August 9th. I found it incredibly awkward and weird to buy gifts for her. Its not so much the picking out the present and giving it to her, but the fact that one of the invitations says “Please bring a new, unwrapped pair of panties for the Bride” No size, just a weird phrase at the end of an invitation. Plus this cousin if four years older than me and I think she thinks I am still 12yrs old. Or maybe it is the fact that she asked to hand out programs and bubbles at her wedding. I really don’t want to hand out programs and bubbles. It’s just weird, you don’t ask people to do that, you have the ushers give people programs as they seat them and you create a nice basket of bubbles to sit by the doors so people grab them as they leave. I don’t get it and I REALLY don’t want to do it.

In other randomness: I miss Europe, but specifically Paris. I was watching TV and a travel show came on featuring Paris and it made me so desperate to be there!! So now I am watching Amelie. I am watching it without subtitles and I am doing pretty well, but my French still needs a lot of work, I think I will just move there and work on it. Does anyone want to come along?

Friday, June 20, 2008


I like to skip, I should do it more. I haven't skipped in forever!

SO it is finally Friday, I am sick of work and I only had to work two days this week.

I am becoming one of the bloggers I hate .... the bloggers who never update. Sorry, I really need high speed internet at my house.

Northern MI has no internet service to speak of.

Sorry, this was a very scattered post. I promise an organized on will come soon!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Fridays Rule

Today I was sent home from work again. I really like days off and such, but I would like to sleep in, you know, instead of getting up at 6am and getting dressed and driving all the way in to Jackson only to turn around once I got there. Gas isn't cheap and I am not a morning person.

One of the days I actually worked this week I swear it was cross dress day in Jackson, which is pretty cool, but I always thought Drag Queens had a better sense of fashion than what I saw. There was also a Richard Simmons look alike, which was pretty scary and amusing at the same time.

In other news I am going up north this weekend and possible going to Canada. I am sooooooo excited! I have never been to Canada! This is going to be fun! I am just imagining all the silly cute little Canadians I will meet who say "ay"!!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Time for Saying Goodbye

Today I woke up nice and early to go to work (6am) and arrived at work on time, just to be sent home because of the rain (it's kind of silly to water flowers if there is rain). So upon my arrival home I decided to put in "Muppets Take Manhattan" and cried like a baby. I have no idea why but the song "time for saying goodbye" really got to me, I think I am PMSing or it just makes me think of my recent graduation....who know....but here is an amusing clip from the movie after Kermit forgets who he is and gets a job at an ad firm.

In other news my friend Caleb is in this music video, I haven't found him yet, but I am sure after I watch it a few more times I will figure it out, now only if I liked country music.....

Friday, June 6, 2008

Singin' in the Rain

I am hanging with my friend Megan in Ypsilanti right now, it's pretty cool, and the student center at EMU is amazing, it's like the AQ library, but much bigger. These are the moments I begin to wonder if I should have gone to a "real" school/college/university instead of AQ, but then I remember how much fun AQ was and how much I miss hanging with the cool people there. ~sniff, sniff~ Oh well, at least it is Friday!!!

New goal for the summer: visit and rate coffeehouses (good idea y/n?) Anybody want to come along for the drive? My car has A/C!!!!

p.s. I am trying not to die in the crazy tornado weather, how did we go from 40 degrees to 91 degrees so quickly?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Go, go, go Joseph!!!

June 5,2008

I am sitting a totally cute cafe called "The Colonial Coffeehouse" if you are in the Concord area you must check it out, but the funny thing about the cafe is that there is a tv and the staff has turned on "Joseph and the Amazing Techicolor Dreamcoat". So, as I write this post I am listening to the movie and resisting the very, VERY strong urge to sing along.

Anyhow, there is not much new here except I am dying, DYING in this heat. Seriously! I need a different job where I can work inside with airconditioning and no sun. The freckles on my nose are coming out and I am beginning to resemble a dalmation.

Tomorrow is Friday, HUZZAH!!! I love the weekends!!

June 3, 2008

It has officially been one month since I graduated from college and I still do not have a job. What gives? Seriously, there has to be something out there!!!! Aren’t those silly baby boomers retiring? Move on you silly old people and go to Europe or something, I need a job; I can’t handle watering flowers anymore! I think I will just move to a random city and look for jobs there, any suggestions to where I should go?

Anyhow, I have decided I will no longer say “I’m sorry.” I have realized that I say “I’m sorry” all the time, for things I am not even sorry for. For example: I am not sorry that you lost your sock, or that your neighbor is mean or that you had to pay $50 for a tank of gas. I can’t control any of those things!!! So no more “I’m sorry”!!!! However I will say sorry for making this poor little old lady run for the bus, that wasn’t even a bus. Well, I didn’t make her run for the bus; she did that on her own. Here’s what happen: I was driving down Francis Street in my work truck and she heard the truck and began to run for the bus stop thinking my truck was the bus (it’s a very noisy truck). I felt really bad because she was old, and little, and had tons of bags. She was very disappointed when she saw it was me. Poor little lady, I’m sorry!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Monday, Monday

Once again it is monday, and as we all know it is the hardest day of the week, especially when all you want to do it strip instead of work......ok that sounds bad, what I mean is that I was so hot at work today that I wanted to take off my pants and shoes. I am so glad I didn't because walking around down town Jackson half naked would have gotten me fired. But I was so HOT in jeans! I guess that means it is time to pull out the summer clothes!

In other news, this weekend I was in Grand Rapids and had a jolly good time with Monica and Karen. Monica and I played kick ball and "scene it disneyII" with her fun little neighbors and then watched "The Land Before Time". It was a blast! Then on Saturday Karen and I went to the cheap movie theatre and saw "Ms. Pettigrew Lives for a Day". It was so cute, but Amy Adams is just a little off..... I don't know what it is about her, but everytime I see her in things I just think she must be a little "special".

****News Flash****
My computer decided to restart for "updates" in the middle of this post and when I was watching the new Doctor Who, dumb updates, why do they need a restart to work?

Saturday, May 31, 2008

"Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree"!!!!

Here it is, a blog all about what is happening in my post college life, not that it will be exciting, but it will exist all the same. Today's posting is inspired by the Andrews Sisters song "Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree" which also inspired the name of the blog. I love big band music! Check it out for yourself here.

Besides that my friends, nothing else is new here. I am still job searching and going insane at my old summer job, but at least I will have a tan!