Monday, June 27, 2011

Turn the page

I have started a new blog.

It was time.

My new blog is here.

My goal is to upload a new picture everyday of the city, and maybe a few observations, but all of it will be city related, I plan on keeping this one for everything else. I promise to try and update on some kind of regular basis, but as we all know, life gets a little crazy sometime.

If you get a chance, visit my new home, it's brand new, only has two posts, but I think it's going to be fun!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Pure Michigan

I spent the weekend in Michigan, now I am a tiny bit home sick and wish I could spend my whole summer in the Great Lake State.

Oh, and 14 days left...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

How can you read this? There's no pictures!

Last night, in all my wisdom, I met a friend for margaritas and guacamole. It was quite yummy, but left me dreaming the weirdest things, EVER!

First, I had a dream that Las Vegas was actually in Wisconsin, so I was determined to go because it was so close. But somehow, Nevada was also in WI, like some kind of giant worm hole moved Nevada into WI without displacing the rest of the country, it was weird.

Then, I had a dream that I was in my bed at my parents house, but I woke up in my Chicago apartment. It was surprisingly depressing. I guess it means I really need to make a visit to MI and catch up with my family and friends.

That, or no more guacamole and margaritas right before bed time.

In other news, MPC's family is here, visiting, for a MONTH...

Ya, a whole month, it's been interesting so far, only 22 more days to go... (yes, I am counting the days)