Friday, June 6, 2008

Singin' in the Rain

I am hanging with my friend Megan in Ypsilanti right now, it's pretty cool, and the student center at EMU is amazing, it's like the AQ library, but much bigger. These are the moments I begin to wonder if I should have gone to a "real" school/college/university instead of AQ, but then I remember how much fun AQ was and how much I miss hanging with the cool people there. ~sniff, sniff~ Oh well, at least it is Friday!!!

New goal for the summer: visit and rate coffeehouses (good idea y/n?) Anybody want to come along for the drive? My car has A/C!!!!

p.s. I am trying not to die in the crazy tornado weather, how did we go from 40 degrees to 91 degrees so quickly?

1 comment:

Moi said...

I'd totally travel with you in search of coffee houses and cafes!

P.S. Is it okay if I link to your blog? If so, pick a nickname!