Thursday, August 28, 2008

स्माल बुक रेविएव

I just finished a novel called “My French Whore” by the actor Gene Wilder. At first, I felt like the book read a bit like a screen play, but then I was so wrapped up in the story that I didn’t care. The novel focuses on a man named Paul Peachy who enlists at the end of WWI. Soon, Peachy, a former railway worker from Milwaukee, finds himself pretending to be a German spy and involved with a French whore named Annie. I won’t spoil the ending for you, but I insist that you check this book out. It is a little corny, but when you’re really busy and in the mood for an entertaining book this is a perfect choice! It’s a fast read, or you can even find it on CD. Unfortunately Gene Wilder doesn’t narrate the story himself but it is still worth a listen! Or read! Which ever works for you!

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