Sunday, November 30, 2008

Silver Bells

Today I finish Christmas shopping for my mom, dad and brother. I feel so accomplished! It's so nice to have something done early!

Yesterday I celebrated Thanksgiving for a second time with my Aunt, Uncle and my uncle's family. It was really fun! I made new friends, my uncle niece and nephew. Hadley is 9 and Abraham is 7. They told me I was the nicest teenage type person they had ever met and that they wanted me to join them for next Thanksgiving. I am beginning to think I should have become a teacher, I get along so well with kids.

Seriously, kids love me!!!

My roomies have decorated the house for Christmas, it is so cute. I can't wait to have a house of my own so I can decorate it for the holidays!!!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Christmas Time is Here!

In honor of winter and christmas I have changed my blog colors to a cooler, more wintery theme. What do you think?

I found a christmas dress! It's a little short, but I love it! You can check it out here.

I am thinking I will go 60's with it, you know, tall boots, and some kind of fun hair style. I do think I want fun color tights, but what color?

Fa la la!

Happy *late* Thanksgiving!!

Wow, it's been a while! Things have been 1)crazy busy and 2)difficult on the technology front. As you all know, I was put under watch for "spam blog" I think everything is alright now, but the whole thing was rather strange.

Anyhow, a week ago I went to the re-opening of the National Museum of American History and it was too much fun! There were re-enactors everywhere! I heard a girl from a production of "The Wizard of Oz" sing somewhere over the rainbow and heard our good friend George Washington lecture about the freedoms of the U.S. He looks good for being dead for a coupld hundred years now, and he is extremely chatty.

After I had my fill of American History I wandered to the Library of Congress, which is extremely pretty and cool! It is very pretty, very European and according to the tour guide it was inspired by the Opera house in Paris.

(top two are the Paris opera house and the bottom two are the LOC)Ya, I see it.

Then on Saturday I went to the Maryland Terps game. It was very fun, but I was frozen before we even walked into the stadium. A few hours of stading around in the cold drinking seems to make you cold, but happy to attend a losing game. I really am coming around to football.

Most of my other news is pretty boring. I went to work, wrote a report, thought my car was leaking and dying a slow death, made a quiche(it was yummy) and celebrated Thanksgiving with my roomies and their nieces and nephews. It was very fun. It made me wish my family was more normal and less dysfunctional than it is, but I guess we can't always get what we

Sunday, November 23, 2008


So I recieved an email the other day from blogger saying they thought my blog was a spam blog. First off, what the hell is a spam blog and second, does this really look like a spam blog to you?

I am really, really frustrated and I don't think that this post will actually go through and I have fun stories.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Baby News

I finally have a picture of my cousins' baby!!!

She's pretty cute! I can't wait to see her in person!

To continue with the baby news I recently found out that one of the people I went to high school with, who is only 23 years old, is dating a 33 year old with an 11 year old kid. All I can say is Holy Shit.

Rainy Afternoons

I love rainy days. I love that they give me the excuse to do nothing when they happen on Saturdays! But, I haven't been totally lazy, I did two loads of laudry, cleaned my bathroom and sent out mail! All in all it has been a very productive day, and now I am at a cafe enjoying a coffee, job hunting and feeling relaxed for the first time in several days. It's the rain. It must have special gifts!

In amusing job hunt news, I applied to the new presidential administration and recieved an email that told me not to worry if I don't hear from them with in several weeks or even months. They are starting at high level positions and working their way down. I found it very amusing that I shouldn't give up hope for several months.

I hope you all are having wonderfully lazy days as well!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Ja, Ja, Ja, Jaded

Ok friends, I will admit I was a little cynical in my last post. It was a result of several things. 1) I had to be up really early and stand in the rain for a bus. 2)The metro was crazy crowded and seems busier everyday with more and more people taking it to avoid driving. The metro loses its charm once you have to take it every day and 3) I had a pile of work waiting for me that I really, really didn't want to do.

That said, I think the dog in the poster is really cute and I wish I could take him home. I want a puppy!

I will also admit that I am kind of annoyed with the prospect of people coming to DC because I feel almost like it's my town now and that us DC people should get first dibs. I know that is so wrong because DC belongs to all Americans but I really hate tourist. I know I have been one several times in my life, but I like to think I am the un-annoying tourist who does research before they visit and tries to blend in - it doesn't always work.

Only three weeks left of my internship. It's totally weird. Where has the time gone?

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Have you seen this? I think it is crazy! Why are people making such a big deal about the kind of dog the Obamas get? I also don't understand why all the hotels in DC are sold out for January 20th. If that many people are going to be in the city you won't be able to see a thing. You are better off staying home and watching it on TV. I swear, some people are just dumb.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

May I Have This Dance?

Yesterday and today have been entirely focused on my job search because I really, really don't want to have to move in with my parents at the end of the this internship. I love my parents, but there is just a point where one has to move out and start a life on their own.

So, I am applying to everything and anything in hopes that someone will give me a call back and offer me a job. At this point I don't even care if it is administrative, because I can take the job and keep looking for something better. But really I want to know why someone hasn't come up to me offering me a few million to travel the globe. Really, is that too much to ask?

In other news, things have been very exciting here! The election of Barack Obama has proven to be very, very big and exciting here in DC! It is all anyone can talk about! I wonder if I could score some tickets to the ball, that would be fun! I guess I should start hanging out at the transition headquaters, maybe someone will think I look friendly and invite me. Oh, or give me a job! That would be fun, like working in a real life West Wing!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy Hump Day!

I am happy today! We saw history, but not only did we see history people made the history! Millions of Americans went out and voted, and I am so proud that so many people participated! It is an amazing privilage to vote for a world leader and I think too many people in our country take it for granted, but yesterday you made me proud. I don't often say I am proud to be American, but today I am!

In other IMPORTANT news, not only does Starbucks have their holiday cups out, but the Holiday flavors!!!! I had a peppermint mocha! I took the first sip and thought "Mmmm Christmas!"

Oh and check out this site.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

They're Here!!!

They're here!

It finally happen!

And on election day too!

The Starbuck Christmas cups!!!!Yay!!!

Oh, and I hope you all vote!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Shady Brad

Hello my dear friends! I am so sick. I feel like I am dying. My head is just going to pop off and float away. I really, really want to crawl back into bed and just stay there forever. I look like a mess, and not a hot mess of any kind, just a mess. I hate colds, I hate being sick.

Ok, enough with the complaints.

I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween! I was so excited, but was too ill to actually do anything so I handed out candy and hung out with the girls I babysit (they came over after trick or treating). They were dressed as supergirl and a cheerleader. Supergirl had been sneaking candy all night and was jumping off the walls. It was fabulous.

And now I am dying, ugghh.

Along with Supergirl and Cheerleader came their mom and dad, my roommates and Shady Brad and his wife Jen. I met Shady Brad last weekend at the Maryland game. He is very weird. At the Maryland game he seemed ok, but then we went bar hopping and he kept disappearing with random girls. I will have you note that Brad wasn't wearing his wedding ring, claiming it was "too heavy" and that he was in the process of changing it. So off Brad would go, buying drinks for "people from work" who were all 18 year old girls. Maybe they are interns?

Anyhow, last night when he and his wife came over he was wearing his ring (apparently it's not too heavy now) and he made a weird comment to me about me working with his company. He give me the creeps. Plus, I think he might be gay. He has all the typical mannerisms. He is just so odd. So shady.