Sunday, September 14, 2008

I want an Oscar!

Yesterday I went to the National Portrait Gallery and they were doing a special piece on Katherine Hepburn. It was fabulous, and it had all four of her Oscars. Do you know how pretty they are? Now I want one. How do I get one?

I also went out to the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts because they were having a special "Arts Across America" festival. I saw Oscar-nominated singer Lila Downs. (Hey, that's it! I will sing! Ok, I guess I have a better chance acting, or maybe directing! I will get an Oscar somehow!) So the day was pretty cool, except there was a guy in line ahead of me (way ahead, I couldn't see him) who had a heartattack and died. Well, I am pretty sure he did, the Kennedy Center people said it was really bad. Poor guy.

Today I think I will go shopping, or maybe I will head to the Mall, I still haven't seen the Lincoln Memorial.

1 comment:

SleepyGirl said...

Steal one of hers! She's got four -- what the heck would anyone do with four anyway? (And it's not like she's using them, currently....)