Thursday, February 25, 2010

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue fish...


I need help.

What should I name my new little guppies? I have two of them, both boys. They are crazy. They spend most of there time swimming in circles, except when I walk into the kitchen when they begin their dance for attention. Seriously, they look like small children looking for attention from a parent. They dive, and twist and flip. It's a little too human for me...

Anyhow, back to what I was saying, they need names. Help me! What should I call them? I'm leaning towards Flotsam & Jetsom but it's so unoriginal.

In other news:

Well, there is no other news. Just work, and more work, and looking for a job that doesn't make me want to pull my hair out.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Buyer's Remorse

So today I decided I wanted a fish.

I researched tanks.

I picked out the kind of fish I want.

I went to the pet shop and bought everything but the fish.

Half way home I was regretting my decision. My mind began to race:

---What if I'm not allowed to have a fish in my apt?

---What if it dies?

---What am I suppose to do with it on the weekends I'm away?

But then, two stops from home, an old man fell getting on the bus. It was a big production. He couldn't get up, I was sure he was dying. So I jumped up and out the back and walked quickly home. A fish is a minor thing when old men are dying. I hate it when people decide to die around me. It really freaks me out. It seems to happen a lot. Note to the world: I am not a physician and can NOT help you, so find somewhere else to die. I will run in the other direction.

I have the tank set up. This weekend on my three days off I will go pick up the fishy!!!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Psychologically, I'm very confused... But personally, I don't feel bad at all.

I recently rented a little film called "The Shop Around the Corner". Have you ever heard of it? Well, it just happens that it was the inspiration for "You've Got Mail". "The Shop Around the Corner" stars Jimmy Stewart and Margaret Sullivan AND it takes place in BUDAPEST!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know about you, but I find Budapest much more appealing than New York!

Both movies are very cute, but I have to admit that the original won me over, it is so cute and funny. I don't know why Hollywood remakes things, it should just re-release the wonderful classics they have sitting in the vaults.

Oh, and by the way, the Vancouver 2010 Olympics are only HOURS away. I am so excited. This is the only time I am patriotic. I swear, I am ready to break out the red, white and blue!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Coffee, Coffee, Coffee!!!!

Ah, a day off.

I slept in.

It was so nice.

But it wasted half my day...

I can't complain, I bought a programmable coffee maker today. You know what that means?!!! It means tomorrow morning when I have to get up way too early my coffee will be ready and waiting for me. I am so excited. I hope I set it right!

To add to my happy day, I received a free latte from Starbucks, and because they forgot to make it at first they gave me a second shot!!!! Yum!!!!!!

Do you remember when I was keeping a tally of the marriages and children in my high school graduating class? Well, I have news of two more engagements and EIGHT more kids!!!!!! What is going on here? What is in the water in MI?

Thursday, February 4, 2010


So I just bought the best of Brigitte Bardot.

She was a french star of the 1960's.

She can't really sing, but it's fun music and Brigitte seems like lots of fun. Plus, I think I recall seeing a special on her when I was in France. That, or my host mother had tried to convince me I had heard of her when in fact I hadn't so she went into deep explanation of who she was.

And that video makes me think of this video:

Gotta love Audrey!