Saturday, September 6, 2008

Stormy Weather

Right now I am sitting in a cafe drinking coffee and surfing the net. Life is good. I love a good cup of coffee and a fast internet connect! The thing that makes this even more entertaining is the fact that I am in the middle of a Hurricane. Ok, it's more like a tropical storm or depression at this point, maybe not even that, but there has been a lot of wind and even more rain (7ins).I think I am so entertained by this little weather disturbance because in MI we never have anything from Hurricanes like this! It's kind of cool. And with that I will admit I am a major dork.

I am finding myself falling for DC. I know my first impression of this city was kind of negative, but after visiting the Zoo, the National Archives, and several other Smithsonian Museums I am finding a certain amout of love for this city. Plus, it has a great Metro system. I am a sucker for good public transit. Once again, I will admit to my dorkiness.

Monday I start my internship. Wish me luck. I am a little nervous. Especially since I just recieved my offical offer this morning via email. It was sent sometime yesterday and reminded me I need to prove my citizenship so I can "work" for them even though this isn't a real job. One problem. I didn't bring the documents with me. Ya, so now that is one more thing to figure out.

Ahhhh, this "adult" stuff is fun. And at this point a *wink* goes to Moi. I know nothing of real responsibility!

I feel like this post is really random. I will update more later, with a little more thought.

Oh, and in high school friend baby news I discovered another class mate who had a baby about 8 months ago and Cassie finally had her baby, a boy. I've seen some pictures he is adorable.


Moi said...

Isn't DC wonderful? I love the Metro with its orange seats. Word of advice: Don't sit on the escalator. It will cause it to stop moving and you will have to run away. Its all very awkward.

Don't you hate having your stuff spread over 2 states? I never seem to have everything I need. We clearly need to permanently move out of our parents' homes and get our own brownstone together.

P.S. I think Peter Pan had the right idea all along.

Pomme said...

No sitting on the escalator. Got it.

I have forgotten so much stuff! It is crazy, and yes I would love a brownstone, here, there, anywhere!

Peter Pan totally had it right.