Thursday, August 7, 2008

What will I wear?

Today, dear friends, I realized that I am not smart enough, or fashionable enough to move to Washington DC. Seriously, as I am looking for an aptartment I am finding posting such as "..well educated looking for someone with the same background" and "Harvard grad looking for roomie" I DIDN'T GRADUATED FROM AN IVEY LEAGUE SCHOOL!! I AM GOING TO LOOK LIKE A FOOL!!!! The current intern who I am replacing goes to MIT!!! MIT!!!! Plus, I don't have anything cute to wear, nothing stylish, or currently "hot". What was a thinking saying yes? Oh well, enough freaking out, I bought a Washington DC book today, it is really fun, with a fold out map!!!

In other news, today was a really, really weird day at work. First, this crazy guy on a bike who has asked me out several times, and I turn down each time, drove behind me on the side walk and made kissing noises. Then, a little bit later in the day when I was taking my break a guy pulled up next to my truck and stared at me until I drove away. The final and creepest part of my day was went this guy went to take a picture of me from across the street, so I moved behind a big light/utility post so he couldn't see me, so then he walked down the street so he could get a clear view!! What is it with these creeps in J-town. The soon I move to DC the better!


Hope! said...


It'll all be okay. You have loads of cute clothes. Image if *I* were moving to DC...

I wish I could go with you and share in this AWESOME experience, but I suppose if you attract creepers to easily, I might be better off in GR...

SleepyGirl said...

Let's go shopping!!


Also, obviously you are too hot. Shave your head!

Moi said...

Its going to be okay. You are educated and cultured. I think that one person just didn't want to be roommates with someone who thought NASCAR was really really cool.

Be confident! You are an awesome person!

DC is going to be so much fun. You'll love it.