Tuesday, March 31, 2009

And that's a wrap!

Did you know that ER filmed for 15 years in Chicago? I didn't! I knew it took place in Chicago, but I didn't know that they actually FILMED here! Crazy! I'm learning new things everyday.

Sooo, I guess I should really give you the low down on what has been happening with me. I've moved to Chicago. I have a retail job selling bras and panties and an adorable little studio apartment. I've been a bad blogger lately because I've been so busy trying to settle in. My parents are coming out this weekend with all of my stuff. Currently I am sleeping on an air mattress and living out of only one suitcase worth of clothes. I know, sounds crazy, but don't forget I do not pack light so I am set.

From my apartment I can see lake Michigan. It's kind of cool, but I imagine in the winter will be very cold, all that lake effect snow. What was I thinking? I should have gone to Florida, or better yet a tropical island.

I've only had one day of work and so far it is good. My favorite part of my job is the customers. We have people come in from all around the world. Heck on my first day I helped three different people from the UK, two from the middle east and three from Australia. It's so cool meeting people from around the world!!!

I recently opened a new bank account since my old bank has no branches in Chicago. I think my new bank has a rule that they only hire hot, friendly guys. Seriously! When I went to open my account I was helped by this really cute guy, and then I ran into a different branch today to change something on my account and an even cuter guy helped me! He was really nice too! He told me to come back anytime I need help or have a question. I think I need to find something for him to help me with!!!!

And finally, I just found out today that Lily Allen is touring in Chicago Easter weekend and I can't go because I am going to be home for the Holiday. I am so sad, it's only a few stops away at a cute old theatre! Maybe she will come by again soon and maybe one of you wants to go with me???

Oh, I've given up on State of the Day, at least for now, maybe after I go back and figure out which state I profiled I will come back with new ones, but right now I am taking a small break!

p.s my cell is hating my new apartment and often say "emergency only" so if I don't answer my phone, it doesn't mean I don't want to talk to you, only that my phone is being stubborn.

p.p.s. My phone has now decided to not let me create text or receive them. Something fishy is going on...

Monday, March 30, 2009

Just a little bit

So I have just switched to firefox on my computer and I LOVE IT!!!! Why did I wait so long to switch? It is so quick!!

That's it for now, I have stories and tons of things to tell you all but I really just want to call it a night. I have a lot to do tomorrow!!!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Time Warp

Wow, this hour difference really gets to me. I have no idea why, but I am really tired and just about ready to crawl into bed and it isn't even a respectable hour!!!

I am in my first apartment. It's pretty cool, a little scary, but fun. As I was lugging my bags into my apartment I realized that this is the first time I am living on my own, like a real adult. It's very intimidating, but kind of exciting too!

So far my favorite part of my apartment is my bathroom. I have the most adorable curtain and rug.

Ok, it is a bright pink, but looks a little off in this picture. I love it!

My least favorite part of my apartment is the fact that the kitchen light just went out. The first night! What kind of joke is that!?

I hope you all can come out to see me soon! I miss you all!

Tomorrow is my first day of work, wish me luck! I'm nervous!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Frazzel - Dazzel

I'm in the process of moving. It's a bit stressful. I am currently back at my parents place and "moving in" to my apartment on Sunday, desperatly trying to figure out how I am going to get all my crap into the city.

Can't talk too crazy with all these silly adult-like details...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Everything's great when you're downtown!

Ok, I am waiting to here if my application was approved for the apartment I picked out. I really hope it is! I really liked it.

Today I opened a bank account here, making my position a little more real. It's so crazy! Sometimes I am really excited about all that is happening and then there are those few moments when I feel really unsure about all of this. But mostly I'm excited and can't wait for you all to come see me! There is just so much we can do here!

In other news, my cousin and her husband left to return to MI but they had one small issue. Greg couldn't find his debit card, so after he checked all his pockets and the last store he stopped in they made there way to the train station in hopes that it was somewhere in his suitcase. After arriving back in MI they figured out that he left it at a restaurant downtown. So today I went down to pick it up and of course they wouldn't give it to me. I understand that they can't just give credit cards to anyone, but when you can prove that you are that person's relative and that they asked you to pick it up, doesn't it make sense to just give it to them?

State of the Day!

...is famous for having a beautiful landscapes, and cold weather as well as being the home to Sarah Palin. I'm sure you all know who she is! She can see Russia from her house, which is pretty cool! Alaska is the largest state in the U.S. and is one of only two state to not have a neighbor state. The Iditarod sled dog race is held every year in Alaska and involves silly people taking several dogs across the frozen terrain. Currently in Alaska Mount Redoubt has been very active over the past few hours shooting ash up into the air. You can read more about Alaska here.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

And so it goes...

I saw the apartment I want today. I started the application process, I'm having a little bit of trouble so far with getting my place of employment to give them an official document with the pay offer. I gave the apartment management my offer page, but apparently they want it on the their form instead of my employment's form. I hate paperwork.

Hopefully it works out very, very soon. If not I guess it's not meant to be!!

State of the day!

...is home to Disney world, the most happy place on earth! Ranked 4th by population the capital is Tallahassee. Florida is often a victim of Hurricanes, one reason I wouldn't really want to live there. The other is that old people go there to escape northern winters. Florida was named by Juan Ponce de León, who landed on the peninsula on April 2, 1513. One positive thing about this warm little state is the fact that NASA is located here. I love the space program!! It's so cool! Check out more here!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Only one more flight of stairs...

Today I saw tons of apartments. Only one was scary, the rest were really nice and now I have a very hard decision to make. Which one do I pick?

Wow, it seems so weird to me to be getting my first apartment. My own apartment. It's like I'm a *real* adult or something!!!

Tomorrow I see one more apartment and then hopefully make a decision. Crazy!!!!!

State of the Day!!

...is the 31st state to join the union. The capital is Sacramento and Los Angeles is the largest city. California is known for it's movie industry. Every year California deals with wildfires, mudslides and the occasional earth quake. For these reasons I can say that California is on my list of States to NOT live in! You can check out more here.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Hittin' the street

I am apartment hunting, it is quite challenging. I want a cute, cheap place, hopefully close to public transportation. I am a little intimidated right now, but I am sure it will all come together. Now, if only I can keep my mom from totally freaking out.

I am too busy for state of the day, so today's assignment for you all is to give me your favorite state, or at least think about your favorite state!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Celebrate good times!

OH dear friends I have good news. I have a job. A full time job with benefits after 90 days! It seems so unreal to me! I can't believe this happened the first day I was in the Second City! I am really excited but kind of overwhelmed! I need to find an apartment now! Like, right now. It is crazy! But after two glasses of wine anything seems possible! I hope you will all find time to visit me once I am moved in!

Planes, Trains, Taxis Cabs, all the choices hip!

Yesterday morning I got a funny call from Amtrak. It was to inform me that my train had been canceled because of an accident. Ok, I've got that, but here is where it gets funny, I was told it was going to be replaced by the same train. So the train was canceled to be replaced by it's self. Making no sense to me I call the number provided and they informed me that in fact the train was canceled, and that I would be taking a bus instead. This is the train I was scheduled to take.

The bus wasn't that bad, except I was alone with the driver for about an hour because there was only me at the first stop. It was kind of awkward, especially when the driver put on a horror film.

Anyhoo, now I'm in the second city, currently hanging out at my cousin's adorable apartment and preparing to job search for the day!

Time for the State of the Day!

...is known as the "Peach State" and the "Empire State of the South". Atlanta is both the most populated city and the capital. Georgia is the home to Ted Turner who founded CNN, TBS and TCM among other networks. I like Georgia, well I've only really driven through Georgia, but it was pretty! You can read more here.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I wike wice cream....

Half of my mouth is numb. I feel like I've had a stroke and only half of my face works. This would be because I had a new filling put in the back of my mouth. I really hate going to the dentist, I am not a big fan of the whole somebody playing in my mouth, drilling and stuff. Anyhow, it went really well and I was leaving the UPS guy came in the offic to drop something off and I swear to you he was David Tennant's twin. I almost yelled out:

" Doctor!!! Take me with you! Did you bring the Tardis?"

Then I couldn't stop smiling and staring at him. He was really cute. The only thing is only half of my mouth was working so I had this droopy, swollen smile and looked like a complete idiot.

Gosh, I'm a dork.

Tomorrow I leave for Chicago to job hunt and spend sometime with my cousins. I've just found out that the cousin that just got married this past summer will be down there for the weekend as well, so it should be interesting!

State of the Day!!!

...is the 21st largest state in the union. The capital is Jefferson City and the largest city is Kansas City. It is known as the "Show-me State". Some notable people from Missouri are Don Cheatle, Walt Disney, Chris Cooper, John Goodman, Ginger Rodger, Dick Van Dyke and Sara Evans. Actually, there is quite a list of famous people from this funny little state. Maybe it's the water? If you want to read more check it out here.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Wanted: A Technicolored DreamCoat

I have been having the craziest dream lately. At first I was blaming it on the wonderful Utz chips I have been snacking on, but they are all gone and I am still having crazy dreams. Last night I dreamed that I was at a recording of the Oprah Show and Punchline was her guest so I started Twittering like a mad woman so you all could know what was happening.

The night before I dreamed I was on this "quest" to drop this little girl off at her parents house. The night before that I was almost raped and the night before that I was dancing with a guy from my high school.

What is up with the weird dreams? I seriously need a friend named Joseph who has an awesome dream coat who can tell me what all this is about!

State of the Day!!!

...is known as the "Evergreen State". The capital is Olympia, and the largest city is Seattle. Seattle was featured in the show "Fraiser" which I know you all adore!You can read more here.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy!

It is a beautiful day! I love sunshine, and warm weather! It makes me a very, very happy person!

I have been planning a trip to Chicago to job hunt, as most of you know. Today my mother asked me:

"Are you sure that's what you want to do?"

What is that suppost to mean? Really? Now, she is going to plant a seed of doubt in my head. Thank you very much.

In happier news, I used the the French Chef Cookbook by Julia Child to make a leek and potato soup that was to die for. So yummy! I am planning a fabulous french menu for the next time we all get together! I am so excited! It will be so yummy!!!

State of the Day time!

...is in the middle of the U.S. Ranked 16th in size and 38th in population it's known for its farming and ranching industry. There isn't much else to be said about Nebraska. As a child I had friends who moved there so they could ride their horses! Check out Nebraska's site here.

Friday, March 13, 2009

When you're right, you're wrong...

I am back in MI and wish the weather was a little warmer, but the sun is out and there is no snow on the ground so I guess I can't complain too much.

I realized today that I am really, really pale. It's kind of sad. It shows that I haven't been to the beach in FOREVER, but at least I'm not going to die of skin cancer! Speaking of pale skin, did you know that skin whitening is big business in Asia? Check out this article. It is really bizarre!

When I got home Wednesday night I kind of had a melt down. My mother had moved all of my brother's stuff into my room to paint his room, which I knew was going to happen, but I wasn't expecting to not be able to see my bed from the door way. I think I flipped because it made me feel like I don't belong anywhere.

State of the Day!

...is my home state. We have the Great Lakes and that is why we are called the "Great lakes state". You can use your hand to tell people where you are from when you live here. For the most part MI is pretty cool, but is does seem to have loooong winters, but at least we have all four seasons! I can't imagine living somewhere where the weather is always the same! Check out MI here.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

He Can't Read My Poker Face

Today was really too much for me. A two hour road trip for chips (which we found, yay!) and then bowling (my highest score was 110! Yippy) But all good things must come to an end so tomorrow we will head back to MI.

I want to suggest some reading for you all. Check out the Pioneer Woman's Story of how she met her husband. I started it the other day and can't tear myself away. It's so cute. Moi, now I know why you wanted a Cowboy, I want one too!

Time for State of the Day!

...is one of two States not attached to the main land. It was the 50th state to join the union. It's capital is Honolulu on the island of Oahu. I think Hawaii looks like a blast, who wants to go with me? Check out Hawaii here!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Just one more

Damn, I missed another day.

I will have to make it up to you tomorrow, but right now I am tipsy and Moi and Toi have taken away facebook from me so I guess I am done for the night.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Call of the Wild...

Last night I had dinner at the Library, a funky, cute little restaurant that uses old books for their menus. It was very fun, and the food was pretty good, but I made a mistake in the drink order. I ordered a "Call of the Wild" named after the classic book. Why I order that when I don't particulary like the book I don't know. Anyhow, that was the beginning of the night and the rest of the evening was much better. We went to a concert then to two different bars, one of which we closed down. Ahh, what fun...

I guess it is time for State of the Day:

...is kind of the most boring state in the U.S. It was the 17th to join the union and has the 7th largest population. Famous "Buckeyes" include Paul Newman, Halle Barry, Toni Morrison, and Thomas Edison. Go here to check out more.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

What's up with all the Brunos?


I missed yesterday's post! I guess there goes the month of postings! I am blaming Moi and Toi for this and you two know why!!!!

Thursday I was flipping through the TV channels and found this funny little man giving out random tips. One of the fun facts he shared with us was that you should wipe your nails with white vinegar before you paint them. It is suppost to make the nail polish last longer. Why would it make it last longer? That doesn't really make sense. Well I guess I will try it and let you know!

Ready for the State of the Day?

...is the 39th largest state in size and 40th by population. Maine is known for it's seafood and scenery. Some famous Mainers include Milton Bradley (the game guy!), Patrick Dempsey, Liv Tyler and Stephen King. I think Maine seems like fun! You can check out more here.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Goddess of Fierce

Did any of you catch Top Model cycle 12 last night? I haven't watched the past couple cycles, but I saw that the premiere was on so I tuned in. It was wonderful! The girls are as crazy as ever. Tyra had a wonderful entrance pretending to be the "Goddess of Fierce". To meet the girls check out the Top Model Website.

Not much is new here. I am feeling better. Yay! I hate being sick, it annoys me to no end!

Are you ready for the state of the day?

...is the 19th largest state and the 48th most populous. The capital is Bismark and the largest city is Fargo. It was the 39th state to join the union. Famous North Dakotans include Sakakawea, Peggy Lee, and Josh Duhamel. You can read more about North Dakota here.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Can I get a side of cough syrup with that?

I am still sick. Where did I get this cold? Ok, I've had a cold for three days, not that long, but it's more than long enough for me!

Recently I have been very adventurous with food. Last Wednesday I made Salmon steaks with a honey lime glaze (very yummy) and then I made a spinach-strawberry salad with a homemade strawberry vinegrette (which was also very yummy). Then this past sunday I tried to make a dish called a dutch baby pancake. It was very tasty, but didn't turn out like the picture so I was a little disappointed.

Congrats to Moi! Your prize is in the mail! You are going to LOVE it!!!

Are you ready for the state of the day?

...is the second largest state in both size and population. It's capital is Austin and the largest city is Houston. Texas is known as the "Lone Star State". Some famous Texans include: Lyndon Baines Johnson, Bonnie Parker, Clyde Barrow, Cid Charisse, Buddy Holiday, Dan Rather, ZZ Tops and many others! Wow, I am suprised that so famous people are from Texas! Personally, Texas isn't my favorite state, but it seems fun. If you would like you can read more here.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I'm just peachy keen...

I woke up yesterday with a tiny sore throat that has become a cold today. Yay.

To make things worst, there is this giant storage tank in our basement that has been there forever, and today my dad decided to take something out of it and now our house smells like oil. I can't tell if I'm light-headed because of the smell or the fact that the only thing I've had to eat today is a couple of Halls.

I have opened almost all of the window and have about a dozen candles lit to help get rid of the smell, but it doesn't seem to be working.

At Moi's request here is a clue for the "mad reds":

HG:"I've got to do something about the way I look. I mean a girl just can't go to Sing Sing with a green face."

Now for the State of the day:


...was the 14th state to join the union (the first to do so after the original 13). It ranks 45th by area and 49th by population. Vermont was the birth place of Calvin Coolidge and Chester A Arthur. Alan Alda's character from M*A*S*H "Hawkeye" was from Vermont. I think I would like to visit Vermont, it seems very cute! You can read more here.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Muffin Tops!!!!!!!

I love muffin tops!

Random, yes, but true!!

Today has been so fun! I went to the dentist because on friday I chipped a tooth and then on Sunday part of a filling fell out. It was freaky. I haven't had any thing like this happen before. But will all be ok, today I was given a temporary filling and on the 17th I will get a whole new composite filling. So fun. I am just thrilled.

You all should really answer the "mad reds" question. I have an awesome prize for the winner. Really, you are going to love it!

Are you ready for the state of the day?


...is the 36th State to enter the union. The capital is Cason City and the largest city is Las Vegas. The state's nickname is "Silver State". Nevada is the 7th largest state and has the 35th largest population. (I am guessing this is because it is mainly one giant desert.)The only famous people I have heard of from Nevada are Andre Agassi and Thelma Pat Nixon. Poor Nevada, they don't really have much besides Las Vegas! Check out the state's official website here.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Coming in like a Lion?

Well, Hello!

I am so sorry my friends, it has been forever! I will admit my lack of blogging is a result of feeling blue, or I guess the best description of how I was feeling was the "mad reds" (the first one to name that movie reference gets a prize!).

Anyhoo, I am a little more positive now and have lots of news.

Starting today, the first day of March, I am going to blog everday. Well, at least I am going to make a go of it. I am hopeful that I can do it this month.

My second piece of news is that I am going to start giving you fun facts about the fifty states. Each day will be a new state. You will need to read the whole post to see which state is featured today!

The third piece of news is that last night I met my friend Kristy's little boy. He is just too cute. He is six weeks old and so adorable. Everytime I hold a baby I feel a bit more friendly to the idea of kids.

I am trying to think if I have more news. I am sure I do, but nothing seems worthy of writing here. On to the state of the day:


...is the 22nd state in the United States. It's capital is Montgomery, and it's unofficial nickname is the "Yellowhammer State". It has the 23rd largest population. Some famous Alabamians include Nat King Cole, Helen Keller, Harper Lee, Courtney Cox Arquette. If you would like to learn more about this fabulous state visit them here.