Friday, July 11, 2008

Dalmation Plantation

I watched the original 101 Dalmations the other day and was so suprised when I discovered that it took place in London. I totally forgot!!! Now I want to go to London!

In dog related news I saw two adorable dogs today at work. One was a golden retriever and the other was some kind of small fluffy dog. The golden retriever was walking the small fluffy dog. He had the leash in his mouth and everything! When they got to the corner the g.r. stopped the s.m.f. and made him wait for their owner! Too cute!!

I finally watched the doctor who season finale. It was.....interesting. I will admit I wasn't watching it with my full attention, but I still have to say boo to the two doctor thing, the dr. donna thing and making Donna dumb at the end. That being said, I will give props for the very hot dr. who in the rain and for bring back K9!!!!!

Oh, one last thing, Bruni (the first lady of France) has just released an album and it is awsome, some of her lyrics include the kind of crack she like. I love it! Oh France you are so special!!

1 comment:

SleepyGirl said...

No. Noooo! I heard part of that album and my ears started bleeding!