Monday, August 25, 2008

W a-s-h i-n-g t-o-n, baby, D.C.!

So I am back in Michigan for about a week before I head back to DC! I have many stories, but lack the patience to write/type them all here. Let me just say that DC was fun, and interesting, but it still doesn't compare to Paris or London for me! I am desperatly going to *try* and love it as much as I love those two cities!

I love that I will be living in a city that has the metro and more museums than I will ever be able to visit, but it just doesn't have that vibe that cities in Europe do, I am betting that is because it isn't an European city!

Anyhow, here is an awesome video I found on youtube about dc. These people really love DC!

1 comment:

Toi said...

So cool! Of course we will get together before you go (when are you actually moving anyway?)