Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Good News From the East

Did you see who's getting married?

For some weird reason the news about Prince William and Kate Middleton's up coming marriage has me very excited. Maybe it's the ring, or the dress, or maybe the fact for the first time in over 300 years England will have a queen who is a "commoner". It's just kind of fun! What is it about Royalty that has us so captivated?!

The other good news coming from Jolly Ole England is the first installment of the last Harry Potter movie! I don't think I'll be going for the midnight showing, but maybe one day this weekend or next week...I actually have three days off next week, I'll have to fit it in!


I am also very excited for this movie:

It just looks so cute!

I know it's that time of year where we should be shopping for and thinking of others (and I am!) but I bought this for myself the other day:

I got a great deal! I literally only paid a fraction of the cost for it! It's green Amethyst with Diamond accents! The only problem is that it didn't come in half sizes so I had to get it half a size larger and it slips a little when I wear it!

We're just about a week away from Turkey day! I hope you all have fabulous plans and enjoy the company of your family and friends this holiday season!

--The black tie event was amazing...I drank champagne ALL NIGHT!

--My last fish has died, I think I'm going to take a break from pets for a little while...

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