Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A life in bullet points:

  • I was yelled at yesterday because someone on another floor left a sensor on a coat and I had to take it off. How is that my fault if I'm fixing the problem?
  • A group of French people told me my French was fantastic. I think they were just being nice.
  • I love rainy days.
  • I hate knowing bad things about other people.
  • Small towns are too small.
  • Vodka is absolutely lovely with cranberry juice.
  • I love dresses and skirts.
  • I think we are disconnected by being so connected. Seriously, do we need to be on a phone or listening to music ALL the time?
  • Chivalry is dead.
  • Tights and leggings make me very happy.
  • I want to see this movie:
  • I found a new way to style my hair that I actually like.
  • Fog is fun.

1 comment:

Toi said...

I think that movie looks awesome. At this point, I think babies are adorable. (Just wait one week and I will once again think they are vile creatures designed to make me feel old and inadequate without one.)

Rainy days are amazing. I was two and half hours "late" to work today because I couldn't get out of bed while it was so dreary outside. ("Late" because I have no real start time; it's probably the perk of my job I like the most.)