Monday, September 7, 2009

Trust me... I'm a psychopath!

Alrighty Kiddos, I have found a new show that I absolutely adore. It is only 6 episodes long and of course is a BBC production. "Jekyll" written by our good friend Steven Moffat, who I am sure you remember wrote many memorable episodes for "Doctor Who" including some of my favorites; "Blink", "The Girl in the Fireplace" and "The Doctor Dances".

If you haven't guessed by the title of the show, it is a modern day take on the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. It stars an actor named James Nesbitt ( can I tell you how much I love his name! Nesbitt!) and he is fabulous in the show. I am amazed at his range.

Because I can't decide which clip to show you (I love them all) I have included several scenes from the show. I caught it on Netflix, but I am sure those of you who are more internet savvy can find it somewhere else! Enjoy:


SleepyGirl said...

Oh my God. Can I find these online somewhere? I hope I can find these online somewhere.

Pomme said...

I watched it on netflix so I don't know if anywhere else has them, but it is a MUST see!