Thursday, December 11, 2008

Back in the USSR

Ok, so maybe MI isn't the USSR, but it sure feels like it sometimes. I have really, really sucky cell phone service, no wifi and no mass transit.

My drive back to MI was very good, I love driving through PA and I got to hangout with Moi!!

So far this week I have unpacked one suitcase, cooked a couple of dinners and have basically been a bum, it's really nice, but next week I need a better plan. Tomorrow I am going shopping (yay) and then next week I have an interview! I also need to pick up my shoes from my aunt and go visit my cousin and her baby since they won't be coming to Christmas! (oh, and I need to continue working on my to do list!)

1 comment:

Hope! said...

Yes. Yes you do. List.

I expect some ballin French to come out of your mouth whenever I see you.

And I want some running anecdotes.