Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Well, bite my butt and call me an apple!

Have you noticed the nip in the air?

It is lovely. I love fall. The scarves, hats, sweaters, hot drinks, football games and changing leaves.


I have had so many things happened but I have been too lazy to relay them on to you. So to make a long story short:

My Aunt and Uncle came to visit. We found a fabulous French restaurant

This is what I had for dessert. It's the first time I've found it here in the U.S.!!

Chicago has Nutella commercials. Crazy, right?

I am still going to be in MI this weekend.

I'll be in Grap Friday evening until late Saturday or early Sunday. I hope to see some of you.

I have a funny/awful/awkward CTA story for you all, but no gumption to type it.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Planes, Trains, Taxis cabs, All the Choices Hip...

I've bought my train tickets back to MI! I look forward to seeing some of my MI friends!!!

Also, I am looking forward to driving my car.

Oh, how I've missed you my little automobile!! It's been a long time since we've taken a trip together! Remember that time we went through the hills of PA? Ah, good times, good times...

Today I am being really, really lazy. I have accomplished almost nothing, except marinating a flat iron steak which I intend to cook tonight for dinner with broccoli and some home fries.

Gosh, I need to be more productive, maybe I will get out the sewing machine and try to hem my pants...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

That thing has a name?

Sometimes I feel like a Hermit. I would say I *am* a hermit, but it just isn't true. I do go out, I go to work and I don't have an apartment full of newspapers. So I guess that leaves me to be an old maid. I know I'm not "old" now, but I can see myself be talked about 100 years from now by distant relatives as they look over some old family photos.

"Ya, that was Great Aunt Pomme. She never married. Look at her curly hair. It's too bad all that curl died with her."

Yep, I will be reduced to my hair. And my marriage status.

Anyhow, today in the VEHBD, a man visiting from China wandered with a couple of his buddies to look for presents to take home. Unfortunately, he didn't find a bag he liked but the following, very amusing conversation did result:

Him: Do you have a discount?
Me: No
Him : Oh. You are pretty. Are you German?
Me: Uhmmm, kind of...
Him: Ah, American! You are many things. What all are you?
Me: German, French and Irish
Him: Oh! The Germans are very pretty, so are the French, they have good clothes and make up. You know the Russian are very pretty too.
Me: Yes...
Him: Ok, thank you. Have a nice day!
Me: Ok, you too. Have a nice visit.

Sometimes I have the most amusing customers.

I also have the most idiotic customers. I had a woman ask me if the VEHBs were real. Yes, they are real, but she thought they weren't expensive enough. Some people are just stupid. I should have just told her that we add the rest of the ticket price at the register. That would make her feel better.

Wow, that was a long post. Sorry, I will try to post more frequently in hopes to reduce the length.

Monday, September 14, 2009

For the longest time

My brother was here this past weekend. It was fun. Now I have a fridge full of beer.

I started this post with a head full of stories but now I lack the gumption to write.

I've learned that my grandmother thinks I am wasting my life. How lovely.

This weekend I have a real weekend. Saturday and Sunday are free days! Yay!

Anybody want to visit? I know a place were we can listen to a fabulous polka band!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

My Kind of Town

Chicago has been fun the past couple of days. Yesterday I saw Ivanka Trump, but I didn't think it was her, because I didn't think it made sense, but then after talking to other associates I found out that she is running the new Trump Hotel and is often in Chicago.

Who knew?

Then, today I saw Britney Spears with her two sons, a nanny, and several body guards. It is so weird seeing celebrities at work. Britney really does look like she has things together right now. But I was surprised at how short she is, she isn't any taller than me. I guess I always thought she was taller.

Wow, VEHBD is fun!

I just wish I had my phone with me.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Today was my second day in the very expensive hand bag department (VEHBD). It seems to be going well. The one girl I've met that I work with seems very nice. I like her. Selling very expensive hand bags makes you lose perspective of things. I keep telling myself that I will get a bag, but then I remember I have to pay my rent.

Anyhow, yesterday the city was invaded by French people. I don't know why! But I swear I haven't spoken that much french since I left Perpignan. It was awful, well, actually my French was awful, but the experience was kind of fun in a weird challenging way.

The city has also been invaded by Brits. I love the British! They are so adorable! They have cute accents, great TV shows (Have you checked out JEKYLL yet?) and are so friendly. Today, however, I made a complete fool of myself in front of the most beautiful man I have even seen. He had dark hair, blues eyes, and of course an accent that made me go weak at the knees. He asked me for directions and all I could think was "Damn, you're hot. Take me with you." It was embarrassing. I know I gave him the wrong directions, but I honestly couldn't think straight. I wish I had looked cute today!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Trust me... I'm a psychopath!

Alrighty Kiddos, I have found a new show that I absolutely adore. It is only 6 episodes long and of course is a BBC production. "Jekyll" written by our good friend Steven Moffat, who I am sure you remember wrote many memorable episodes for "Doctor Who" including some of my favorites; "Blink", "The Girl in the Fireplace" and "The Doctor Dances".

If you haven't guessed by the title of the show, it is a modern day take on the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. It stars an actor named James Nesbitt ( can I tell you how much I love his name! Nesbitt!) and he is fabulous in the show. I am amazed at his range.

Because I can't decide which clip to show you (I love them all) I have included several scenes from the show. I caught it on Netflix, but I am sure those of you who are more internet savvy can find it somewhere else! Enjoy:

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Too Much, Much Too Much

I had several customers flash me at work.


Well, for some reason people are just too comfortable around me. They feel the need to show me their bras and underwear just for the hell of it. The most outrageous was a lady who first rolled down her dress to check a cup size against her bra IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SALES FLOOR, then she asked me to grab her something and when I took it to her dressing room she opened the door to me and was standing there in a g-string and her bra. Then she asked me to look at a different bra and totally just whipped the first one off and put on the new one. I can't handle it. I really can't.

Good thing I move to hand bags next week.

I think I'm allowed to call security on the people who decide to flash me there.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I Paid For These, They Should Still Be A "D".

Sometimes crazy things happen in the Intimate Department. Today, several crazy things happened. I had a customer ask my bra size and then talk really loudly about my size in front of myself and the customers behind her. Then, we had a customer tell us she bought her boobs and they were shrinking. She seemed a little upset, but come on. Why would you pay for boobs? Plus, I've heard that after you get a boob job you never need a bra again because they don't move, so why was she bra shopping?

Anyhow, the craziest thing that happen today was my first Celebrity sighting. Rumer Willis, who was here in Chicago promoting her new movie, stopped in to look at CK underwear. She seemed nice, I said hello to her and asked her if she needed help after she wandered the sales floor pretty aimlessly for 10 minutes. I really wanted to take a picture to prove it you all, but I don't think I'm allow to photograph customers, or have my cell phone on the floor for that matter. The sad thing was that my co-workers didn't know who she was. I kept saying her name and they thought I was crazy. Apparently I am the only Pop culture junkie at work.