Monday, June 30, 2008

I am Never doing That again!

This weekend was my cousin's bridal shower and bachlorette party. I wasn't looking forward to going becuase I was afraid she would have a stripper. It was worst than that. It was a million jello shots, tons of beer and other types of liquor. "Beer before liquor, never been sicker" is not a fake warning. It is true. VERY TRUE!!! After hitting a few bars in Ann Arbor and flirting with some hot guy that I gave my phone number to, we headed back to a friends house where I preceeded to vomit for hours, or at least what felt like hours. It was awful. I swear I am never, ever doing that again. I was so hung over the next day, and my parents found it so amusing.....

Viva La France

June 24, 2008

You know those days when you are sure the universe are out to get you? Well I am having one today! It first started with the neighbor’s dog barking and waking me at 4am and then again at 5am and I had to be up at 6am, so needless to say I was very cranky when I got up. Here is a picture of the ever so annoying pup:

The universe continued to torture me with a very long day at work followed by two shows back to back about France. The first show focused on Paris, spending time in my favorite locations and the second was about Carcassonne, Coullouire and the Pyrenees. Now I desperately wish I could be at a French café drinking coffee and enjoying a croissant. It is taking all of my will power not to buy a one-way ticket for France right now.

In other European news, I watched the 11th episode of Doctor Who last night and I really liked it but Billie Piper seemed really weird to me. She wasn’t like Rose at all and she seemed to be talking really weird. I don’t know, maybe it was just me. Anyhow, I am looking forward to the end of the season!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Men's Underwear

Another Monday, another day I am ready to go insane with boredom. Actually, when I think about it, today was very interesting. I went to work and was allowed to stay for the whole day (yay! – well at least I didn’t drive in and waste gas!) While at work I discovered a pair of men’s underwear in the road. I have no idea why they were there. I just drove over them and figured that they must belong to the same guy who left a condom under one of my flower baskets. I LOVE working at the city! (If you could only hear the sarcasm in my voice!) Along with the craziness of the underwear and condom I was approached by a guy who thought I worked for TruGreen Lawn Services. He began asking me tons of questions until I told him I worked for the City. It was very weird. Especially since I drive a vehicle that says “Parks and Recreation: City of J-Town”. Plus I DON’T wear any kind of uniform. And why would TruGreen Lawn water hanging baskets of flowers? Some people are just crazy! On my route I drive by a carpet place. In fact one of my baskets is right outside of their door. Sometimes I see the owners coming and going, but they aren’t very friendly. Usually the owners have a little dog with them and sometimes the dog will stand in the store window and bark at me. I always want to like the dog, but it doesn’t seem to like me and neither do the owners so I have given up on being friends with them. Today, I noticed that there was a picture of the dog in the window, nicely framed with a couple of toys propped up against the frame. At first I was like “wow, they really like that dog to put a picture of it in the window” and then I realized that the dog must have died! I haven’t seen it in weeks! But there is a picture! At first I felt really bad about the dog dying, but then I remembered it didn’t like me and neither did the owners, but then I felt bad about NOT feeling bad. One last thing about work: people downtown are NOT very friendly, in fact most the time they are really rude! I try to be friendly and smile at everyone but the creepers because I am a city employee but many people DO NOT smile back and it makes me feel bad because I am trying to be nice, I don’t have to be! Moving on from work stories, I have wedding stories. My cousins wedding invitation came in the mail the other day and here is the picture:

They are kind of cute, but it doesn’t really seem like a wedding invite, but that isn’t what bothers me about the invites. (oh, the background is the new furniture my parents bought!) Take a closer look:

That’s right, I didn’t get a 1 +. Why didn’t I get a 1 +? She asks me to be freakin’ program and bubble girl and I don’t get to bring a guest! Why is that? Does she think I can’t get a date? I can get a date! I am no longer excited about this wedding, in fact I am annoyed and really don’t want to go. Actually, I don’t think I can afford to participate anymore. I had to buy two bridal shower gifts (for this weekend and for July 13), a bachelorette party gift, underwear, and I still need to buy a wedding gift. This sucks. When I get married I am going to make her be program/bubble girl and I will make sure she is like 8 months pregnant. And I will invite her to every single party I have.

Ok, sorry, I am becoming bitter.

I hope everyone else is having a great summer! It was nice to see my Saginaw buddies this weekend! We had a great time at Greek Fest, but didn’t get to break any plates!

June 20, 2008

Hello, Hello, Hello!!!!!
Guys, Gals and everyone in between, this post is long over due and it is a little long! I did NOT make it to Canada over the last weekend. That means I didn’t go to the crazy little national park just on the other side of Lake Superior, or get a stamp in my passport, or get to add an “ay” to everything. I was sad, but I did get to sleep in, cook food over an open fire and waste the days away which was nice.

One day we did go to Traverse City and spent some time at the mall, well, I guess it was more like we walked into the mall, walked in a store just to walk out to the in mall theatre. My parents then asked me what I wanted to see. I was given two choices: “Sex in the City” or “Kung Fu Panda”. Needless to say I picked “Kung Fu Panda”. I couldn’t handle seeing “SitC” with my parents, it would have been weird, but “KFP” was very cute and a VERY good idea. If you are looking for a cute, funny movie check it out. One word of warning: go to a late showing or you will be in a theatre full of kids. Don’t get me wrong, kids are fun, they laugh at everything, but they also chatter and make noise with candy wrappers.

My small vacation ended too soon and I had to work Thursday and Friday. I watered flowers as I always do, and was so happy when 3:30pm arrived on Friday because it meant two whole days of freedom from watering!! But I am beginning to worry because Thursday after work I came home and started to weed my garden and decided I need to replant something of the veggies. Right now I have Basil, Parsley and a random herb (I can’t remember the name of) along with spinach, radishes, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber and summer squash. I am worried because I ENJOY the garden and weeding it!!! What is wrong with me?

Friday after work I went shopping for a bridal shower and bachelorette party gifts for my cousin who is getting married on August 9th. I found it incredibly awkward and weird to buy gifts for her. Its not so much the picking out the present and giving it to her, but the fact that one of the invitations says “Please bring a new, unwrapped pair of panties for the Bride” No size, just a weird phrase at the end of an invitation. Plus this cousin if four years older than me and I think she thinks I am still 12yrs old. Or maybe it is the fact that she asked to hand out programs and bubbles at her wedding. I really don’t want to hand out programs and bubbles. It’s just weird, you don’t ask people to do that, you have the ushers give people programs as they seat them and you create a nice basket of bubbles to sit by the doors so people grab them as they leave. I don’t get it and I REALLY don’t want to do it.

In other randomness: I miss Europe, but specifically Paris. I was watching TV and a travel show came on featuring Paris and it made me so desperate to be there!! So now I am watching Amelie. I am watching it without subtitles and I am doing pretty well, but my French still needs a lot of work, I think I will just move there and work on it. Does anyone want to come along?

Friday, June 20, 2008


I like to skip, I should do it more. I haven't skipped in forever!

SO it is finally Friday, I am sick of work and I only had to work two days this week.

I am becoming one of the bloggers I hate .... the bloggers who never update. Sorry, I really need high speed internet at my house.

Northern MI has no internet service to speak of.

Sorry, this was a very scattered post. I promise an organized on will come soon!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Fridays Rule

Today I was sent home from work again. I really like days off and such, but I would like to sleep in, you know, instead of getting up at 6am and getting dressed and driving all the way in to Jackson only to turn around once I got there. Gas isn't cheap and I am not a morning person.

One of the days I actually worked this week I swear it was cross dress day in Jackson, which is pretty cool, but I always thought Drag Queens had a better sense of fashion than what I saw. There was also a Richard Simmons look alike, which was pretty scary and amusing at the same time.

In other news I am going up north this weekend and possible going to Canada. I am sooooooo excited! I have never been to Canada! This is going to be fun! I am just imagining all the silly cute little Canadians I will meet who say "ay"!!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Time for Saying Goodbye

Today I woke up nice and early to go to work (6am) and arrived at work on time, just to be sent home because of the rain (it's kind of silly to water flowers if there is rain). So upon my arrival home I decided to put in "Muppets Take Manhattan" and cried like a baby. I have no idea why but the song "time for saying goodbye" really got to me, I think I am PMSing or it just makes me think of my recent graduation....who know....but here is an amusing clip from the movie after Kermit forgets who he is and gets a job at an ad firm.

In other news my friend Caleb is in this music video, I haven't found him yet, but I am sure after I watch it a few more times I will figure it out, now only if I liked country music.....

Friday, June 6, 2008

Singin' in the Rain

I am hanging with my friend Megan in Ypsilanti right now, it's pretty cool, and the student center at EMU is amazing, it's like the AQ library, but much bigger. These are the moments I begin to wonder if I should have gone to a "real" school/college/university instead of AQ, but then I remember how much fun AQ was and how much I miss hanging with the cool people there. ~sniff, sniff~ Oh well, at least it is Friday!!!

New goal for the summer: visit and rate coffeehouses (good idea y/n?) Anybody want to come along for the drive? My car has A/C!!!!

p.s. I am trying not to die in the crazy tornado weather, how did we go from 40 degrees to 91 degrees so quickly?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Go, go, go Joseph!!!

June 5,2008

I am sitting a totally cute cafe called "The Colonial Coffeehouse" if you are in the Concord area you must check it out, but the funny thing about the cafe is that there is a tv and the staff has turned on "Joseph and the Amazing Techicolor Dreamcoat". So, as I write this post I am listening to the movie and resisting the very, VERY strong urge to sing along.

Anyhow, there is not much new here except I am dying, DYING in this heat. Seriously! I need a different job where I can work inside with airconditioning and no sun. The freckles on my nose are coming out and I am beginning to resemble a dalmation.

Tomorrow is Friday, HUZZAH!!! I love the weekends!!

June 3, 2008

It has officially been one month since I graduated from college and I still do not have a job. What gives? Seriously, there has to be something out there!!!! Aren’t those silly baby boomers retiring? Move on you silly old people and go to Europe or something, I need a job; I can’t handle watering flowers anymore! I think I will just move to a random city and look for jobs there, any suggestions to where I should go?

Anyhow, I have decided I will no longer say “I’m sorry.” I have realized that I say “I’m sorry” all the time, for things I am not even sorry for. For example: I am not sorry that you lost your sock, or that your neighbor is mean or that you had to pay $50 for a tank of gas. I can’t control any of those things!!! So no more “I’m sorry”!!!! However I will say sorry for making this poor little old lady run for the bus, that wasn’t even a bus. Well, I didn’t make her run for the bus; she did that on her own. Here’s what happen: I was driving down Francis Street in my work truck and she heard the truck and began to run for the bus stop thinking my truck was the bus (it’s a very noisy truck). I felt really bad because she was old, and little, and had tons of bags. She was very disappointed when she saw it was me. Poor little lady, I’m sorry!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Monday, Monday

Once again it is monday, and as we all know it is the hardest day of the week, especially when all you want to do it strip instead of work......ok that sounds bad, what I mean is that I was so hot at work today that I wanted to take off my pants and shoes. I am so glad I didn't because walking around down town Jackson half naked would have gotten me fired. But I was so HOT in jeans! I guess that means it is time to pull out the summer clothes!

In other news, this weekend I was in Grand Rapids and had a jolly good time with Monica and Karen. Monica and I played kick ball and "scene it disneyII" with her fun little neighbors and then watched "The Land Before Time". It was a blast! Then on Saturday Karen and I went to the cheap movie theatre and saw "Ms. Pettigrew Lives for a Day". It was so cute, but Amy Adams is just a little off..... I don't know what it is about her, but everytime I see her in things I just think she must be a little "special".

****News Flash****
My computer decided to restart for "updates" in the middle of this post and when I was watching the new Doctor Who, dumb updates, why do they need a restart to work?